
When will the republicans admit that Bill Clinton was really a Great President?

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The only thing the REps keep harping on is the Monica scandal....and he lierd about it..

When Bill Clinton lied no one died...Because Bush and his cronies lied thousands maybe hundreds of thousands have died and continue to die every day.




  1. When the Democrats finally perfect time travel, and go back in time to make it so.

  2. If they can't see the difference between the surplus economy of Clinton's Administration and the huge deficit of Bush's, then they are blind.

  3. i completely 100% agree with u

  4. NEVER. He should have been impeached for being a lying sack of s**t

  5. Clinton is the best president since FDR. if obama gets elected he will be the worst... actually he would tie with Bush Jr.

  6. I loved "Wag The Dog" and "Black Hawk Down"  Oh I guess this went over your head.  How about this.  I admit the Great President, Bill Clinton, who got it on with Monica in the Oval Office was a disgrace to America and the high office that he held.  He's also responsible for 9/11 by not taking Bin Laden when he was offered him on a silver platter. Yeah! Really GREAT President.  

    When did you go mentally legally blind?

  7. No way was he a great president! He was a disaster! One of the worst presidents ever!

  8. If you could offer any proof that he was a great president.

  9. When will the democrats admit Clinton sucks?

  10. what did he do that was so great?

    we had a dozen terrorist attacks in his 8 years in office. He did NOTHING!!!! Many many US Citizens died. He would get on tv after each attack and swear "I will see that these cowards will be brought to justice" I guess if one gives a tough speech condemning the act then your obligation to Country and fellow is completed.

    He was a womanizer h**l bent on making the US a popularity contest winner

    what a joke!

  11. Okay, dear, I'll admit he was a really great president...compared to Jimmy Carter! Now be a good girl and go answer my other questions.

  12. when it rains upwards...

  13. He was a good speaker and could lead people. However he was lousy as a president. We had home land terrorist strike us 3 times. We had an out of control attorney general in Janet Reno, which burned down a church, removed a child from his family with guns drawn. Bin Laden was striking us all of the time and he didn't go after him when he could of had him three separate times. He championed Nafta which caused many people to lose their jobs to Mexico. He opened trade with China, which caused more jobs to be outsourced.  

  14. I did not commit purgery while having s*x with that was afterwards

  15. Compared to Bush, I guess he was.

  16. Yeah right, never.  Billy Bob was one of the WORST presidents ever.  

  17. Oh really, how about attacking a country without congressional approval. how about 6 terrorist attacks from the same group, including one on the WTC in 93. Oh and there was that 96 warning of an attack using airliners that never got passed on to the Bush administration. Yes Clinton was a Great president, Osama must have loved having him. he could walk around outside the cave, instead of having to hide.

  18. I can't even get Obama groupies to admit it.

  19. If they had kept in contact diplomatically with the rest of the world, they

    would very quickly find out that Bill Clinton is still in high

    standing in many countries.


  20. When Heck freezes over. Besides why would the republicans lie.

  21. Well lets see if you purchased a house during Clinton's admin you probably still have it our sold it for profit. If you purchased a house in recent years you're probably upside-down or foreclosed.

    Oh and I loved it when gas was 2 bucks a gallon.

  22. Bill Clinton is a r****d.

  23. he was impeached for being a dumbass

  24. When 9/11 is considered a good thing for the country. 9/11 was the result of his incompetence.  

  25. When someone offers proof that he was... despite all of the evidence to the contrary.

    {edit} I love when liberals spout the "when Clinton lied no one died." line  I bet Vince Foster's family would disagree with you.  I bet the families of soldiers kill in Mogadishu would disagree with you.  I bet the families of sailors killed aboard the U.S.S. Cole would disagree with you.  I bet the families of military members killed in the Kobar towers would disagree with you....

    A lie, is a lie....  the lie about Monica was the one he got caught telling.  The rest were just better covered.

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