I rock my son to sleep. I will sit in the glider in his room and rock him while I feed him. Sometimes he will fall asleep without being burped, but I put him inhis crib and so far on the occassional nights I've done that he has been fine until next feeding. My baby's paternal grandmother said that is VERY VERY bad and can choke in his sleep if I put him down without burping him first. On a lot of nights I will rock him and go to put him in his crib and he will wake up crying, so I start the rocking dance all over again until he goes to sleep all the way. I think this might be a bad thing and not teaching him to go to sleep on his own. My dad told me last night when he was here and seen me doing that, that it is fine to rock him, but put him in the crib just before he is asleep so that he can learn to soothe himself and fall asleep on his own. It's not loud cries that he does. More or less like a whine that he will sometimes do when he is barely awake, but not quite. My baby's paternal grandmother nit picks at everything I do and constantly finds fault. She is upset that we chose to do everything on our own, from not living with her and more. Ohh...one more question. I just turned 18. Both of us work and I will go to school partime (college) in Sept. We have our own apartment I have plenty of time for my son, but WE want to raise him and not depend on "others" to raise him. Does working and going to school make me a bad mommy? My baby's paternal grandmother said I am a bad mom if I work, let alone go to school. But, I like being able to buy him nice things and having our own place. Am I really a bad mommy?