
When will the sun cease to exist?

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When will the sun cease to exist?




  1. The Sun is about 4.5 billion years old. it has used up about half of its nuclear fuel (hydrogen). In about 5 billion years from now, the sun will begin to die.

    As the Sun grows old, it will expand. As the core runs out of hydrogen and then helium, the core will contact and the outer layers will expand, cool, and become less bright. It will become a red giant star.

    After this phase, the outer layers of the Sun will continue to expand. As this happens, the core will contract; the helium atoms in the core will fuse together, forming carbon atoms and releasing energy. The core will then be stable since the carbon atoms are not further compressible.

    Then the outer layers of the Sun drift off into space, forming a planetary nebula (a planetary nebula has nothing to do with planets), exposing the core.

    Most of its mass will go to the nebula. The remaining Sun will cool and shrink; it will eventually be only a few thousand miles in diameter!

    The star is now a white dwarf, a stable star with no nuclear fuel. It radiates its left-over heat for billions of years. When its heat is all dispersed, it will be a cold, dark black dwarf - essentially a dead star.

  2. a couple of billion years.Hopefully  humans will have moved to another neighborhood by then.........

  3. 5 billion years the sun turn into a red giant. And expand 250 times the current size of itself. Some scientists reckon that it will not kill us (Number of reasons) while some do think it will kill us.

    If we still exist 5 billion years later, we probably would be super super super super super super super super super advanced technology and probably would have found new life on distant planets where we can reside.

  4. Curiosity is more or less correct.

    She missed a couple of steps (it goes through two red giant phases for instance) and it only loses ~40% of its mass to the nebula. The other 60% stays in the white dwarf.

    Technically it never ceases to exist, because the cooling white dwarf just gets dimmer as at cools to black - but the matter (which will be mostly carbon) will still be there!

  5. the is about 4.6 billion yr old and is middle aged so will exist for aboout 4.6 billion more yrs...

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