
When will the threat of so-called man made global warming be over?

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When there is no more man perhaps?




  1. When it becomes obvious to everyone that there is no such thing as global warming.

  2. Right after they set off all the nukes in WWIII.

  3. Wow, 'Bigman99', that has to be one of the most unbelievable posts I've ever read. In the same breath, you tell us to use common sense, and that we just have to accept what god has planned out for us? So god=common sense, while science=arrogance? Glad I've got that sorted out.

    As a threat precedes an action (unless it's a barking dog that won't bite), then the threat of anthropogenic global warming will be over when it stops being a threat and becomes a reality. Which it already is. So, you can stop worrying, it is no longer a threat.

    Yes, the extinction of humanity would be one solution. Hopefully we can find less terminal solutions, like actually working together and taking responsibility for our actions. Unhappily, looking at most of the answers on here, that's a vain hope.

    It seems to me that, if you go in to see a doctor, a qualified, experienced scientist, and he tells you that there is a 90% chance of you dying from an illness unless you make certain changes to your lifestyle; then common sense would dictate making those changes. Wouldn't it? Apparently in a denier's world, common sense would mean not wanting to make the changes in case the doctor turns out to be wrong and you switched to a healthier lifestyle when you didn't need to. Who cares that you feel fitter and healthier, have a happier life, and will live longer? It wasn't necessary.

  4. When all the nasty humans die off......

  5. Yeah, seems to be that's what a lot (too many) people are wanting.  They actually want human beings to die.  And some are even so extreme as to say that the world would be better off if there were NO humans left.   That's ridiculous.

    And those who want for large populations of people to die have no souls.  This is a globalist's dream come true.  Make the people think that we're harming our planet beyond repair and the people will want to die or kill off their fellow humans.  

    News Flash folks the Ocean and Volcanoes release more CO2 gasses into the atmosphere than man does.  I'm sure that we are hurting our environment and we really should cut back.  But perhaps those Powers That Be should ALLOW some of the wonderful inventions that would make us less dependent on oil.. to make it to the market.  Than we wouldn't be harming our environment so much.  

    Also many scientists are saying it's actually the sun's activity that's causing the temps to rise.  And it's happening to other worlds in our galaxy as well.

  6. When we've moved on to man-made Global Cooling.

  7. Naw - I suspect when 2012 comes around.  2012 is mentioned as the end of the world by the Mayans, Nostradamus, the Bible Code, and the Babylonians.

    As we get closer to 2012, there will be more movies about these subjects, people will start to believe that the world is going to end and so called "global warming" will be pushed off the front pages and forgotten about.

    By 2013 the Earth will be much cooler as the Sun's activity will slow down and people will have forgotten about global warming like they forgot about Y2k on Jan 2, 2000.

  8. I was taught global cooling at school, they first came out w. it in '70, there was to be an ice age, some thought naturally sooner, some thought later, the Chicken Littles thought due to Man's activities.  It only took a decade plus a few warm summers in influential parts to bring on global warming theory and hysterics about the ozone layer.  We did a few things to limit CFCs like using much less efficient refrigerants (ironically) requiring much more wasted power in production and indefinitely in running costs and that was forgotten.  Now we are to find ways for the v. rich to escape taxation and the expense of keeping old equipment going by introducing the constantly disposable future where everything is thrown away as soon as the next 'greener,' 'more efficient' thing comes out.

    I'd give the current panic another 10 years before a new fashion is declared by the v. people doing by far the most consuming and damage, probably species depletion and or pollution/rubbish mountains of all the un-green stuff we are currently dumping.

    Ultimately pathogens will save us from the real time bomb, over population, nature will take care of us!

  9. i agree, people are dumb and need to get a clue, its only for more taxes, and another thing that the government can convince you to pay for.

    global bull c**p is making me sick!

  10. In a decade or two these same "brilliant" scientists that claim global warming is true will be predicting another ice age in the near future. Many of them predicted one in the 80's.

  11. Not necessarily,  AGW will be over when we, as a whole, accept that it's real and actually do something about it.  Our current way of life is not sustainable.

  12. Depends on when it starts.  Right now I'm enjoying the cooler temperatures in May caused by the position of the jet stream.

  13. The threat will be over when the liars who've urged us to think like them are silenced by the media.  Now they get lots of attention because it's a fad...trendy.  Like the story of henny-penny, when eventually nothing happens people tire of them.

  14. Once humans get this thing called common sense. I think it is totally arrogant to think that we have that much effect on the Earth. I don't think we can override whatever God has planned for us. We just need to live our lives and look at the facts. Global warming does not exist. As stated before the scientists said we had a cooling problem in the 80s. We have gotten to the point where we blame everything on global warming. If you get a warming. You stub your toe? Global warming. Several scientists have proof that the glaciers are actually growing in Alaska. On a one hour special on the Discovery channel they were comparing pictures of specific areas from then to now. A one hundred year difference. Well guess what. The older pictures from 100 years ago were taken in the prime of winter, and when they took the new pictures, it was in the prime of the summer. So no sh*t the glaciers are going to be smaller. I just put my faith in God and I feel comforted. Humans are way too arrogant. Honestly, it is getting on my nerves. I just make sure not to tune into BSNBC.

  15. Never - as long as there are human beings, we will be causing more and more pollution and global warming. It is called entropy. Entropy will exist whether or not there are human beings, however, we make it accelerate. It is a law, just like gravity is a law. Nothing can stop it.

    Basically the law states - "Energy moves from usable energy to unusable energy" (this is in human terms). In general terms entropy is the law that shows everything moves from order to disorder.

    And there isn't a thing anyone or anything can do about it. In fact, the harder you try to control the disorder, the more disorder you will create.

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