
When will the world be "paperless"?

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Many people & businesses are going "paperless", reducing paper use & doing more electronically.

When will paper be replaced by electronic communication?




  1. hahhhaha.......u r silly...

  2. The world will implode in on its self before we stop using paper... and it will probably be papers fault when it happens.

  3. I think it will be quite a way off yet, although the majority of companies scan their docs into some form of database system, some using OCR technology.

    Even a lot of hospitals and Dr's practices send electronic data for 835 remit files, pathology reports etc. There is still alot of paper though, also within the Legal profession, still a lot of physical paper. The same within the Police Dept for writing accident reports etc.

    Again, for storage most people want to be paperless, but within certain professions like the medical and legal it is taking a while.

  4. I will always want a paper ballet when voting. To many crooks in government.A paper trail is best for recounts. And nobody will convince me other wise.

  5. Hmm...I'm going to say twenty years. It's going to take people awhile to accept that digital files are an actual possesion just as valid as any physical possesion. Take a look at people stealing MP3's and Video games through pirating -- they wouldn't steal the CDs or Games from a store, but because it has no physical existance they think it's up for grabs.

    I think that credit/debit cards will replace money faster than books going paperless. I could see credit/debit cards replacing printed money in ten to fifteen years.  Most of my friends already have pretty much stopped using printed money.

  6. As soon as they figure out a way to wipe our butts with a computer.

  7. I think it will become a use less paper world in the future and it is used paperless in many working places as those documents are compressed into a disc. Except for the following situation.

    Some doctors say that the state in which they practice will not allow electronic records as the only patient record; New York is

    reportedly one state. Others report that, for legal reasons, they feel that certain paper documents with signatures must be

    retained. The items usually mentioned include financial contracts, informed consent documents, and health questionnaires.

    Several doctors also believe that patient x-rays must be developed and maintained in a non-electronic file. (To the best of my

    knowledge, the legality of electronic orthodontic records has never been tested in any court of law.)

    The following website may provide you the detailed information about the paperless world.

  8. The world will go paperless when the world runs out of paper.

    Till then paper will continue it's 4,000 year run.

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