
When will the world come to the end? what date?

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I heard all different dates I would really like if someone new the facts to answer my question.




  1. It will be the 29.02.424242424...

  2. assuming global warming or something of that sort dosesnt kill us in like 200 years  then the earth can go on pretty much for another billlion  years.

  3. TODAY!!!!! Mwahahaha

  4. we all kill each other and die out point blank and it happining now but it will take some time for the full efect

  5. Life on the surface will be extinct within about 1BY.  The oceans will have evaporated completely within 2BY ( this is due to the suns increasing brightness).  Earth will become like Venus.  In about 5BY the sun, having run short of hydrogen, will expand into a red giant.  Earth will likely be swallowed.  If it somehow escapes this, in another 2BY or so the sun will begin its rather dramatic collapse into a white dwarf by tossing off large percentages of its mass.  Nothing in the inner system will survive this activity.  For that matter not much in the outer system either.  

    For a good book on the subject I suggest "The life and death of Planet Earth" by Brownlee and Ward.  Great read.

  6. When you say "the world". Do you mean the "human race", or the "planet Earth"?

    Either way, the answer is: "42"...

  7. Predictions of the world's end come out with high regularity.  Many of these dates have expired.

    We're still here.

    These predictions aren't very credible.  If you see a date, but there's no reason attached to it, then it's likely that the date was made up from nothing.

    But let's say someone says 21 December 2012.  Let's say that they say that the Mayan calendar ends on that date.  Well, there are no Mayans around to ask about it.  But the Gregorian calendar recently flipped from 1999 to 2000.  And, the 2nd millennium started in 2001.  We're still here.

    Let's say that the prediction that some big planet is going to crash into the Earth.  That can be checked.  No big object is going to come anywhere near the Earth in the next 4 years.

    But here's a prediction of the end of the world that will come true.

    The world will end, eventually.

    It may take billions or trillions of years.  But it WILL happen.  That's the nature of the Universe we live in.  And, i'd like to see it happen, hopefully from a safe distance.  For one thing, it'd mean that i'd made it billions or trillions of years.  That'd be nearly enough time for my various hobbies.

  8. Earth has many millions of years left before it will die.  A specific date is near impossible to estimate though.

  9. The Chinese, Mayans, Scientists, Solar Experts and interpretations of the Christian Bible say the world will end...

    December 21, 2012

    Sunspots and sun flares will cause electrical failures and satellite disruptions,

    pole shifts (north and south pole reversal) disrupting earth's magnetic field not only

    exposing the planet to the suns radiation, causing shattering earthquakes, massive tidal waves and simultaneous volcanic eruptions causing nuclear reactors to melt

    and the cloud of fallout and volcanic dust will block out the sun.

    (live every day of your life as if it were your last)

  10. 2022 at 4:00pm  Comet vomit will hit the earth.

  11. Dec 21, 2012 at 21:02 (9:02PM) UCT.

    Predicted by the ancient Maya, Nostradaumus, Leonardo Davinci, the ancient Chinese calendar, and the Bible, among others.  The sun will reach solar maximum at that time, and scientists predict many solar flares that will knock satellites out of the sky, knock out power all over the world, and reverse the magnetic poles, leaving earth vulnerable to dangerous solar radiation.  These and other problems occuring at that time will probably spark a third global nuclear war.

  12. The 'world' will end when you die.

  13. 2007 waiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit

  14. It is impossible to say. Most likely when the Sun reaches its red giant phase, but that's a few billion years away.

  15. June 22nd

  16. I think it ended yesterday. We were all so preoccupied we failed to notice. And now, we're actually just souls who have no idea that we have already died.

  17. If 2012 is the middle of the 7 year Tribulation period then it should end around 2016. Then there will be a 1000 yr Millennial Kingdom followed by the recreation of the Earth.


  18. Its impossible to predict the future, so no date can be answered. A comet or asteroid could impact the Earth in 6 months or 60 million years. Or we as humans can do the job with nuclear weapons in a day or so.

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