
When will the world end???

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people have told me that the world will end soon! but when? will i still be alive? how will it end? please help! please anser truthfully cause this isn't a joking matter!




  1. when God wants it too

  2. ancient mayan suggest the end of the world 23 december 2012 based on astrology which they studied a lot of

  3. after seeing "our end" first.. :)

  4. It ended last didn't get the memo????

  5. There will first be the Rapture, then a war at Armegeddon.

  6. Really, if we don't take good care of it.. It could be very soon..:)

    Take good care!

  7. according to the bible we will not know the time. if the WORLD comes to an end,all will die except if saved by Jesus


    Humans may go extinct, but other species will just take over.

  9. The world will end when you die. Anyone can die at anytime and that's when the world ends too.

    There are MANY dates predicted for when the world will end - just pick one - but what does it matter as you won't be able to stop it happening?

  10. when you broken heart

  11. Who really knows?  The link gives some of the guesses - maybe they are all right in some way - Daniel was prophesying only about Palestine - specifically the kingdom of Israel, the Mayans similarly were only looking at central America.  The world ended abruptly for those in the dreadful Indian Ocean sunami yet others have rebuilt their lives albeit differently.

    best not to worry but live each day as if it was the last (the old "memento mori" = "remember death" way of life) and then if it does end in your own lifetime you didn't waste a drop!

  12. I think we will first have through about a century of ever worsening living conditions brought about by over crowding and environmental deterioration.

    As governments will not address the underlying cause of most of the world's problems, over population, the best long term hope for the survival of the human race is an epidemic that will destroy about ninety percent of the human race. this would give the planet a chance to recover and enable the survivors to have a another chance at Mother Earth management.

  13. the sooner the better!

    i think it will end a week on sunday? thats what i heard

  14. The world ended thousands of years ago, we are now living in a virtual world. We managed to wipe out the human race because of all our bickering and war mongering. A few chosen scientists and computer boffins were given the task of rebuilding the world as we know it, so it would appear like we are still alive and kicking, when in actual fact, the human race has been dead a very long time.  And you're right, it isn't a joking matter, I'm being deadly serious!

  15. The world Willl not end I don't believe it ever will there are a lot of theories that the sun will burn out but this would take thousand of billions of years or global warming will flood the whole world etc... but my theory is that this planet has been going for well forever it will evolve.  People may wil evolve too but don't worry it won't happen in our life time or our children's life time!

  16. Some scientists said that after 65 years, in Cyrpus, Athens, Rome, Spain, Portugal, etc, the weather will be like the african desert Sahara... The weather in Oslo (Norway) will be like the current Madrid 's weather, and London's weather will be like the current weather in southern Spain, with lot of humidity... I would give it around 50 years untill humanity will be extincted, as the ice in the poles will melt and therefore most of the cities and countries will sink.. I believe that mountains like Himalaya won't sink, but there will be overpopulation there, and there will not be any food, so... goodbye human kind :)

  17. the world will end way after you have passed away so i iwouldnt worry. unless the weather turns extra nasty antd the day is brought forward. dnt worry about it enjoy life now.

  18. friday 2.33 pm

  19. Well my dear nobody on this planet earth knows the answer but only one man who knows and thats our holy heavenly father the lord jesus christ and when it happens there will be no survoiurs. not even the wonderful creation of animals birds etc will be alive to tell the story but in time our lord has promised that we will be called at judgement day to be resurrected and get another chance to live but in a free peaceful and problem free planet.

  20. when revelation comes

  21. oh come on!!!! if the world is going to end then it will...... i tell u...... if anyone on here knew exactly when it was going to end then they could make an absolute fortune!!!!!!.......x*x

  22. it falls on friday..but dunnoe which friday.. hmm..

  23. I  believe it will end sometime soon maybe in the next 20 to 30 years. That is considering biblical terms also and the way the world is changing with global warming. If God doesn't intercept then we will all fry like eggs in a frying pan if something isn't done about the changing enviroment.

  24. Nobody knows exactly when the its going to end, but there are many signs that show how soon is going to end.  Jesus is going to return, some of the signs are that the temple of the Jewish was going to be destroyed and also has to be rebuild, so  the Jewish must rebuild their temple and also the gospel must be heard in all the world.  It seems like we could be the generation or we are close to the generation when the world ends.  Because the Jewish have Israel back they just have to rebuild their temple but they already said they are planning to do it soon, and the gospel is almost everywhere.

  25. Nobody knows, but I can promise you the human race would have died out many years before it happens, if it happens.

  26. The truth is NO ONE knows just when the world will end. What you hear are mere speculations to cause apprehension among people.

  27. Don´t worry you wont be there

    Maybe billions of years

    The world is not in danger ,its just somewhat under the weather

    The beginning of the end of humanity is predicted for 2012

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