
When will the world end.?

by Guest66931  |  earlier

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I keep hearing from my friends that the world will end on the 21st of december 2012. Is this true. Apparently all the planets are going to line up or something. So you think this will happen?




  1. The world is an enormous chuck of matter coasting around the sun. It would take an extremely rare and violent event to end it's existence.

    The world will not end soon. Bank on it.

  2. i don't think the world will end but i believe the other amount of info given. the mexican calender says by 21/12/12 the world will spin the other direction. This doesn't mean the world will end because the core will keep moving in the same direction and gradually get slower until it changes. my theory is that the world will stop altogether and half the world will be in darkness while the other is in light. Gravity won't disapear due to the earths core still moving but i believe that the seasons will go backwards. this happend once thousands of years ago apparently. i hope this explains things  

  3. If John Mccain becomes president. lol

  4. 2012 is just the revealing of the 'antichrist' or the 'man of lawlessness' at the middle of what Jews and Christians call the 7 year Tribulation. Satanists and many pagan cultures from every corner of the world all throughout history have celebrated this like  the Sumerians, Babylonians, Cherokee, Hopi, Chinese I-Ching (confirmed by Terence McKenna), Mayans (Pacal Votan), Egyptians, Celts, etc. This evil event is called "the abomination that causes desolation" that will be set up in the Jewish Temple’s Holy of Holies when the antichrist is imbued with the power of satan himself. When will Yeshua Ha'Mashiach (Jesus) come? Only God Himself knows, but very soon. If you believe or not, that is up to you; either way it still comes.

    Things to look for to PROVE it to yourself soon:

    >Crash of American banks and its financial underpinning: Operation Sitting Duck

    >Fall of America as an economic power and other ways.

    >The Big One: Revelation 18. America goes down on the list of fabled societies nobody believes in any more like Atlantis, Mu, Lemuria, Hyperborea, etc..

    >Martial law. (Google some of Bush's executive orders concerning it- Nightmarish!)

    >Implementation of Project Bluebeam (be ready to hear more and more 'alien talk'... watch your local skies for the show!) Google and youtube it. Aliens... aliens... aliens...

    >Revelation 13-16-18  Trying to make people first accept the REAL ID card (to get you in the system) and then right after forcibly implanting people with these RFID microchips:

    >The start of the North American Union.

    >Push to attack Iran which will start WW3-the atomic war to end all wars. (If you think China, Russia, and the Muslim world would just sit back, you are a mistaken fool!)

    >Final push to one world government: The New World Order- The 4th Reich!

    (The brutal final empire foreseen by Daniel and John)

    >Rise of a miraculous and awe inspiring world leader later to turn world dictator.

    >Push to one world religion where there are "manys ways to God".

    >Toleration of everything but Jews and Christians.

    >Temporary and unheard of "peace in the middle east".


    >More world wide food shortages and famines.

    >More earth quakes. More fires. Strange and severe weather.

    >Major spiritual awakenings.

    >Rise of Islamic fanaticism.

    >Rise in wickedness and corruption.

    >Listen to the wisdom of this young child:


    Christians and Messianic Jews look forward to this as it means they will soon join their Messianic Saviour in the Millennial Kingdom of the next Age and their Heavenly Father later as "Children of Light". If you try to equate 2012 with Y2K or some other date that cried wolf, then you will be making the worst mistake in your life. Research all these things FOR YOURSELF!

  5. In about 1-2 billion years as the sun's brightness increases and boils off the oceans---  

  6. ok god knows when if you want to find out so bad read the book of revelations in the bible there was a prediction in the bible saying that one day there will be an event or something that will cause all the elments to fuse together whats that a nuclear bomb and that was predicted before bombs were even invented probably read the bible and what if the world ends in a nuclear holocaust because i hink some stupid idiot will blow it up so read the bible

  7. God knows when  

  8. Everything you hear about 2012 won't happen.

    The world will end when the sun implodes.

  9. No one knows except God not even Jesus

  10. You should listen to your friends.  They are telling you the truth.  I suggest that you get your affairs in order, for the end is coming soon!

  11. Governments believe:


  12. We should consider moving to a different solar system... before its too late!

  13. I hate that 2012 rubbish.  Wtf did the Mayans know anyway?

  14. No, it won't, and there is no planetary alignment happening in 2012.  Even if there were, the combined gravitational effect would be less than that of our Moon, due to the great distances involved.

    There is no actual scientific theory or evidence that anything unusual is going to happen in 2012. It is a collection of myths and disproven theories being promulgated by doomsday predictors, who predict a new one every few years. The longer explanation is below:

    It is based on the end of the current cycle of the Mayan long count calendar. No doomsday was predicted and the Mayan civilization died out, so a new cycle wasn’t written.

    Niburu (Planet X) doesn't exist. Zecharia Sitchin is an author of books promoting the ancient astronaut theory for human origins. He attributes the creation of the ancient Sumerian culture to the Annunaki (or Nephilim) from a hypothetical planet named Nibiru in the solar system. The Doomsayers predicted that it was to hit Earth in 2003. Undaunted when it didn't show up, they just moved it out to 2012 to coincide with the end of the Mayan calendar.

    Galactic Alignment - takes 36 years to precess through galactic equator, we will be 6 degrees off in 2012.

    Asteroid Apophis - the 2001 alert was for 2029, and was canceled after additional observations showed it would not hit us.

    Polar Shift - the magnetic poles are moving all the time. Polar reversal happens over thousands of years.

    Passage through a "photon belt" has been added. This is also untrue and wouldn't hurt us if it were. Photons are merely units of light.

    Solar flares happen all the time and we have more of them at some times than others. They haven't caused any serious problems in the past. The direct effects of solar flares are mainly related to communications and radio transmissions. We had a major series of solar flares in 2005. Did you notice anything? I didn't.

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