
When will the world end?

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Because I have heard it would be 2012...?




  1. There is a saying...that in which we fear from the begining is what in fact happens and we fail to achieve our goal...what it means if that we belief anything enough it can hinder our performance...the question now is not whether the world is ending in 2012 or 3012 or whatever time, the  question is do you want it to end? And if not you know what you must do...don't belielf this religious dogma. It was said that that all computers would fail in the milenium by some deadly virus. Did anything happen? NO!!! why belief what is said by others.

    I share no mans opinions, I have my own.

  2. Just after the closing credits.

  3. When Ken Timmelton Loses his Virginity!

  4. no one nows when the world will end only god scientist may predict a certain date but they may be wrong

  5. The 'world' is a big place.  It would take a large celestial event to doom off the world.  Something like the super nova of our sun would do.  As for Humans, they'll be obliterated eons before the end of the world...

  6. alot of people say 2012 but who really knows we will just have to wait and see

  7. Why don't you keep this question open for five years and I'll check back with you...

  8. i know youre talking about the end of the Mayan calendar.. The point is, only God knows..period

  9. when the sun explodes. or when the ppl poultue the world

  10. The year 2012 has been spoken about due to the fact that that is when the mayan calender ends........but it doesn't necessarily mean the World would end!!!  (I'm a positive thinker and hope that perhaps the World will change and we all could get along and help one another instead of fighting wars, and Hope also that any and all negativity in all shapes and forms would cease to exsist!!!  If only this could someday be a reality.....a World where We All Are Free and

    Happy and  Friends !!!!)

  11. all I know is that the world is gonna end during the day according to the bible

  12. During the day?? Wow. That's dumb. Isn't it always day somewhere on earth, and the same with night?? Yeah, there's using the Bible to dictate the future for ya.

  13. Dates like 2012 pop up every so often....and as you know we're all still here.

    The world will end when the sun explodes.....and that won't be anytime soon.

  14. When we die.

    : )

  15. only god knows the answer to that one,by the way i heard it was 2000 hey we're still here!!!!

  16. The Thursday after next.  

  17. 2012 will at most be an end of a "time" and simply a new beginning.

    The world will never end.  As for a Christian perspective, the Bible only states it dozens of times "...WORLD WITHOUT END."

  18. yur pics hot =D

    geee idk when its gonna end i heard its gonna be 2012 too lol

    oh welll im gonna be like 18 when that happens and then ill get to drivee yay

    but yeah i guess i had a good life... im never gonna have kids, or go to college, or get a job, or be a grandpa, or be rich, or get a lamborghini, or be a famous rappper gangster guyy, or get CRUNKK, or go to the bahamas, or go to italy, or move out of my parents house, or be able to stay out as long as i want, or be able to go anywhere i want without asking my parents

    ohhhh well =[

  19. why worry only today exists ,>) so enjoy it

  20. 2012 according to the Mayan calendar...IDK we'll all have to wait and see...BWAHAHAHAHA!!! XD

  21. ...only when YOU fail to wake up the next morning... all your love ones NOW...thanks for asking...

  22. the question is not when the world will end but when life will end

  23. God knows!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  24. Hello, my name is Prof. C Lawrence Hansson I was born on September 14th, 1963 in London, England. I am a prominent Australian Philosopher whose research centers on Philosophy of the mind. I am currently a Professor of Philosophy and lecture Philosophical Science at one of Queenslands most prestigious Universities. When will the world end? Very philosophical question, one which I can answer. The existence of an object relies on our sense - data to perceive it. Thus, we may not be sure of our acquaintance with our body. How do we know whether we are the same person as we where yesterday? We don’t. Unless we where acquainted with a person called “ I “ every day, we cannot be sure of being the same person today as we where yesterday. Therefore, the only acquaintance we can be sure of is our acquaintance with our sense - data. Therefore, as long as we continue to perceive objects they shall never cease to exist. Thus, if human race ends, and we are left with no human beings, then we would have to rely on God. God continues to perceive objects in his mind as long as they continue to exist. Therefore, in conclusion, we shall be sure that the earth shall continue to exist, as long as we perceive objects that are deceived with our sense - data.

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