
When will the world end??

by Guest61691  |  earlier

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lately alot of wierd things and scary things have been happening around the world and it seem slike the world is going to end




  1. Focusing only on the things that are tragic, is a mindset which will only cause you anxiety. It may seem like more tragic things are happening now, but you also have to take into consideration, the fact that we have instant access, and more access to news now than we ever did before. the internet is the perfect example of instant access. As soon as someting happens, it hits the internet--before newpapers and before tv. We have just become more aware of what is happening--there is not necesarily more tragedies, just more access to the news.

    If you focus on all of the misfortune that is happening, then for all intents and purposes, your world has already ended.

    But if you use your time to focus on all of the good things that are also happening in the world, your world view will change, and your world will be much brighter ;-)

    Live each day to the fullest, searching for the hopeful, and when ever your days are through, you'll go our knowing that you made the most of it.

    You have a choice. See the worst, or Look for the Best. Whatever you start looking for, you will indeed find. So think long and hard about what you will look for.

    Seek and you shall find!

    Check out the

  2. The Bible says you will not know the hour or the day.

    Remember, every end is a new beginning. The world will last quite a long time,even if WE arent around to see it.

  3. eventually. But the  true question is

    are you ready for it????

  4. It already has.  This is the aftermath... it gets worse from here on.

  5. September 2008.  

  6. the myans ( ancient latin people that i can't spell) thought it would be 12/12/12 at noon but there are many ways that the world will end that is supported by science.  if you research Einstein, he estimated when the world will hit the sun but i dont know when that is.  people are also saying that they gave the next generation (that's me) this earth and they did a bad job of it, but the world will not end before my generation dies or the next.  also, the world wont end from global warming unless it happens faster because we are animals and over time, animals adapt to the enviroment.

  7. when the human destroy this world

  8. It doesn't matter. We won't feel a thing.

  9. probably the day after i win the lottery

  10. the world isnt necessarily gonna end. but my friend always points out what you pointed out and i really do believe its just from maturing, you're paying more attention to that sort of thing and these things have been going on forever, you just never paid any attention to them

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