
When will the world end with that killer asteroid?

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There is a lot of stuff on youtube about it. When will the world end, and how?

ALL answers that say it wont happen will be deleted!




  1. Next Tuesday at 4:30

  2. YouTube? Honestly!?!?!? Find a credible source that's actually used for education, not entertainment  

  3. You can't delete an answer, you can only report it. When I last checked the Yahoo Answers Guidelines, "Giving a correct answer" wasn't listed among the reasons for reporting.

    Nice to see people approaching Yahoo Answers with an open mind.

  4. it won't happen in our life time.

  5. If you want to delete all answers that say it won't happen, then you want to delete all the correct answers.  There is no known asteroid that poses any kind of danger.  Extinction level events (the kind that 'end the world') only happen once every hundred million years or so.  If you live to be 80, there's a 0.00008% chance of it happening in your lifetime.

    Here is a list of all known earth crosses that have been rated on the Torino scale.

    Only one of those is even a Torino-1, which means: "A routine discovery in which a pass near the Earth is predicted that poses no unusual level of danger. Current calculations show the chance of collision is extremely unlikely with no cause for public attention or public concern. New telescopic observations very likely will lead to re-assignment to Level 0."

    Apophis, the one you're probably talking about, maxed at a Torino-4, making it the highest Torino rated object ever.  A Torino-4 means: "A close encounter, meriting attention by astronomers. Current calculations give a 1% or greater chance of collision capable of regional devastation. Most likely, new telescopic observations will lead to re-assignment to Level 0. Attention by public and by public officials is merited if the encounter is less than a decade away."

    And, just as the description indicated, Apophis has since been downgraded to a Torino-0.  The chance of impact is 1 in 45,000, or 0.0022%.  And, as its Torino rating indicated, it's not big enough to cause worldwide destruction, only regional.

    This is why you shouldn't consider YouTube a credible source of information.  YouTube, as a scientific outlet, is nothing more than the last resort for people who are so loony that no one will take them seriously.

  6. scientists say that on the early moring of Friday April 13th 2029 the asteroid 99942 Apophis will pass Asia and North Africa giving observers an extremely rare chance to c 99942 Apophis passing the Earth @ a distance of 20,000 miles. the obsevers will b able to c this rare event take place with a naked eye.

    the 99942 Apophis is about 1,000 feet in diameter. its said that sumthin like this and coming this close to the Earth only happens once every 1,500 years.

    wen scientists first discoverd 99942 Apophis in 2004, they gave it a 1-40 chance of this happening in 2029. after scientists studied 99942 for a while, this prediction became obsolete. now they say that it will pass the Earth on Friday April 13th 2029.

    scientists state that bfore this event will occur wen it passes the earth in 2029, it will make a trip around the sun bfore headin bacc towards.

    once it gets bacc in the earth vicinity, there is a 1-10,000 chance of enterin the "key hole" that is only a 1/2 mile in diameter and then collidin into Earth on Friday April 20th 2036 allowing mankind on earth to bcome extinct.

  7. I agree with dougiepoos.

    but on the subject, (you can delete this i don't care) it won't happen. they're probably just trying to scare everyone, someone made up something about planet nibiru (why don't you check that up on youtube too?) and then now its a killer asteroid in 2012 or 2036?  

    the earth probably won't end with a killer asteroid. the world will end when the sun burns out and becomes a huge sun (like a inflated balloon) and will pass all the way just between mars a jupiter or jupiter and saturn.. i forget which. this will just burn up all the planets it passes. we will turn to dust basically. but don't worry you'll be dead long before this. it's billions of years away.

  8. You already have several correct answers, but I will add mine anyway.  There had been an alert issued about the Apophis passage in 2003, but that was canceled after more observations of its orbit.  They are still watching and there is a small possibility of impact in 2036.  It isn't big enough to end life altogether, but, if it actually hit, it would end a number of lives.  They will have to see whether the Earth's gravity changes its trajectory enough during the 2029 passage to determine whether an impact is likely in 2036.

    By the way, I agree with all the other answerers that you shouldn't ask questions if you intend to delete all answers that don't agree with your preconceived ideas, and YouTube is a very poor source for scientific information.

  9. I'm not sure when, but judging by the test I cunducted in my basement with a sledge hammer and a frog---the outcome will not be good.

  10. The fact that you get your apocalypse information from YouTube should already give you a hint of its veracity.

    And I don't think you can delete answers.

  11. Long after you die of old age.

  12. Why ask a question if you don't want to hear all answers- that is wallowing in your own ignorance.

    Besides, it won't happen.  

  13. I heard something about it, I think that you're talking about Apophis, which will pass nearby the earth around 2029, but some scientists say that the Earth's gravitational field could change its path, and then it could hit us some years later. I guess we'll have to wait and see what happens.

  14. The bible talks about it, two or three of them.  Revelations.

    Actually I think there are thousands of Earth Crossers.  I think it was talked about back in the 90's.

  15. Alot of stuff on You-tube means it will happen?  Sweet.  Maybe I can travel with Charlie to Candy Mountain, or support what everyone believes about Brittany Spears.  I mean, just look at her family!  You don't understand the stress she has been under!  LEAVE HER ALONE PEOPLE111!  YOU UNGRATEFUL LITTLE...!!

    I'm sorry, did I go off topic there?  Well, I'm only agreeing.  You-tube is a very legit source for information, and we all know that Brittany Spears is still one of the greatest pop stars of all time, despite all she has gone through, since Chris Crocker's video has obtained 18,000,000 views, am I right?

    Seriously though...a killer asteroid won't be colliding with us anytime soon...

    Delete this Please (If you dare...muahahahahah)!!

  16. you are thinking off 99942 Apophis, Earlier thought to be a threat to human kind. Resent it has been proved to have a million in 1 chance of hitting us. So you are incorrect a meteor threat is inactive as to date.

  17. Next week.  Or the next one after.  Stay tuned.

  18. There are no killer asteroids currently scheduled, but it could happen tomorrow.  Frankly, Earth will still be around, even though we won't be in that event....  For Earth to be *destroyed*, I think you'll have to wait until we're consumed by the Sun, when it runs out of fuel and swells to be a red giant - engulfing the Earth... that's in about 4.5 billion years.

  19. FAQ Odometer updated

    End of World: 2

    Apollo Hoax: 0

    Started on 8.28.2008

    Of course the world /could/ end at any time due to something unforseen... However, there is no significant scientifically-observed threat at this time other than the aforementioned Apophus NEO asteroid.

    Youtube is full of falsehoods. If you're trying to find apollo footage, good luck because at least half of the vids it finds are posted by whackos who say the landings were faked, and even videos posted by enthusiasts of Apollo have their comments sections bombarded with trolls saying how fake it is.

    That's not to say that just because something is on Youtube, it is untrue - it's just that you have to consider the source, and break out the ol' salt shaker.

  20. Define the end of the world - and I'll give you a scientifically accurate answer. The world will certainly end sometime - but when is (a) not certain; and (b) depends on what you mean by "the end"

    There is a very small chance of the asteroid Apophis hitting in 2036.

    And there is a very good chance of a large asteroid hitting us in the next, say, few hundred thousand years. But that's won;t destroy the earth, although it will very probably destroy most of the life.

    If we are talking about destroying ALL life on Earth, then probably in a couple of billion years, because the sun is slowly getting hotter and brighter, so the earth will eventually become uninhabitable.

    If we are talking about obliteration of the earth itself, then about 7 billion years, when the sun enters the second red giant phase and swallows the earth.

    Doom is NOT impending!

  21. Give me the asteroid's name, IAU number, or orbital elements. Then I'll tell you whether or when it will hit Earth. If it merely makes a close pass, I can tell you how it should be pushed in order to hit Earth. But you have to identify for me the asteroid, or its orbit, first.

  22. it won't happen.

    delete the truth, if you can.

    youtube is a pretty cool place to post yourself dancing to "The Twist" or playing "Freebird" on harmonica, but not a good forum for science questions.  Heck, some of those guys believe in Flying Saucers, 2012, the Moon landing was faked... a whole lot of weird stuff!

    if you can cite ONE NASA page mentioning any asteroid about to hit the Earth, I will apologize for doubting you.

  23. What KILLER asteroid-- ???? Such an object has never been discovered-- there is an asteroid called Apophis in 2036-- they are still checking the orbit (on its next pass in 2012-2013) -- however the current consensus is that it will miss the Earth on the pass in 2036.

    Stay tuned in 2013 for another orbit calculation. It's about 1000 ft in diameter by the way.

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