
When will the world run out of oil or when will oil production be half of what it is now?

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When will the world run out of oil or when will oil production be half of what it is now?




  1. the government is pushing environmentalists aside to begin

    drilling in pristine lands: it's like cable or tolls on highways,

    it's never - ending just keep charging outrageous prices

    we are their cash cow

  2. I have been researching this topic quite frequently. Right now enviromentalists have been saying that we are at about half right now in terms of oil being left. It has been predicted that it will happen in the next 40-50 years. The truth of the matter is that yes there will always be oil/gas. It will just be at a very high price, at least that is what my Ecology teacher rambled on about, and he's a hardcore enviromentalist. Also if you haven't already investigated alternative fuels, a lot of people scream BIOdeisiel. The problem with that is that if you think food prices have risen lately, it will be 10x worse, maybe more. What I ultimately think is that oil companies will invest in research to develop new technologies/fuels that will fuel our economy/cars in the next 25 years. You can count on it.

  3. I hope soon, so that all the wars and greed could end.

  4. There will never be a true oil shortage.  Almost anywhere on the planet you drill there is oil.  when we start running low, we will simply move the rigs deeper in the ocean..or invade other country's that have oil and call them friends like we did with Granada, Iraq, Kuwait, etc.

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