
When will the xbox 360 be discontinued?

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When will the xbox 360 be discontinued?




  1. I work for MS. It will be discontinued until the new generation console for MS is ready. Is currently under development but won't be released any time soon. The 360 is still strong.

  2. Pure speculation on this, as the 360 is currently going strong.  But if you consider the life cycle of the original xbox and the hardware differences between the ps3 and 360, I would put my money on the 360 getting discounted in about three years when Microsoft will probably release a new xbox.

  3. When Microsoft releases their next console.

  4. I would say probably in about 1 year since the Wii has such a low price and the PS3 (although its price is high) contains a blu-ray player. With the PS3, you would have both a PS3 and a gaming console. The 360 has an HD-DVD player but HD-DVD's were discontinued. Soon PS3 and Wii would come to power and Microsoft would need to think of another way to make their console better.  

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