When will there be a cure for Cancer,Aids,Baldness,Grayhair,... stupidity?
When will there be a cure for Cancer,Aids,Baldness,Grayhair,... stupidity?
When will there be a cure for Cancer,Aids,Baldness,Grayhair,... stupidity?
Here is my time-table:
Cancer- by 2015. There has been many breakthroughs in cancer treatments lately and with the emergence of Nano- Technology, It will finally bring a definite 100% cure. I know many people that have had cancer,but have survived. They were lucky to be living in this Era.
Aids- by 2018. Again, with the emergence of Nano-Technology,It will make aids obsolete.However,Aids is much more complicated. So much more time will have to be given to find a cure.
M.P.B- by 2015(maybe sooner). For those of you that are reading this and are currently bald,take a second to scream, Wahoooooooooo!!! Scientist have found the universal gene for
hair follicle(production) What this means is that they(scientist) are just trying to figure out a way to administrated in the body without killing you(which wont take long) They have already cured many animals of hair loss.
Gray hair-By 2015. The gene that controls the production of melanin is being used for pigmentation. Your table?