
When will there be a cure for <span title="Cancer,Aids,Baldness,Grayhair,...">Cancer,Aids,Baldness,Gray...</span> stupidity?

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When will there be a cure for Cancer,Aids,Baldness,Grayhair,... stupidity?

When will there be a cure for Cancer,Aids,Baldness,Grayhair,... stupidity?

When will there be a cure for Cancer,Aids,Baldness,Grayhair,... stupidity?

Here is my time-table:

Cancer- by 2015. There has been many breakthroughs in cancer treatments lately and with the emergence of Nano- Technology, It will finally bring a definite 100% cure. I know many people that have had cancer,but have survived. They were lucky to be living in this Era.

Aids- by 2018. Again, with the emergence of Nano-Technology,It will make aids obsolete.However,Aids is much more complicated. So much more time will have to be given to find a cure.

M.P.B- by 2015(maybe sooner). For those of you that are reading this and are currently bald,take a second to scream, Wahoooooooooo!!! Scientist have found the universal gene for

hair follicle(production) What this means is that they(scientist) are just trying to figure out a way to administrated in the body without killing you(which wont take long) They have already cured many animals of hair loss.

Gray hair-By 2015. The gene that controls the production of melanin is being used for pigmentation. Your table?




  1. It is highly likely they have already developed good treatment for these diseases (stupidity not included), unfortunately the drug companies which have developed treatment/ cures will put such a high price on them that the NHS will have trouble paying for them!

  2. When were all long dead.

  3. Wow. That is actually pretty cool. This will be helping so many people and I hope the treatments aren&#039;t very expensive for those who need it. I&#039;m sorry but I don&#039;t have a table but this was pretty cool to read about. And the cure for stupidity? That was funny! lol

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