
When will they admit you?

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How far along dilated do you have to be before your ob/gyn admit you to the hospital?




  1. Hard to say. With my second the doctor told the nurse to send me home in 10 minutes if my contractions weren't closer or harder.  I knew I was in labor and so did the nurse.  She waited 15 minutes and my water broke. They admittted me.

  2. They shouldnt admit you unless your leaking fluid or you actually go into labor.. you wont dilate too far before you start having contractions and once they get too intense.. you will go to the hospital!  If you have any concerns, call the hospital or the Dr.  u cant dilate without contractions and u WILL feel them before long.. Good luck with your beautiful baby!

  3. It depends

    I was 8cm when got to hospital with 1st

    6cm with 2nd

    6cm with third

    only 2cm with my fourth but was in severe pain and they never liked the way teh babies heart was going so they kept came out fine

    everyone is different

  4. it depends really on your doctor. with both my pregnancies i was only dilated 2 cm forever and so both times i was just admitted and induced.

  5. Every one is different. With my sis the doctor admitted her when she was 3 cm. I was induced. But all docs are different.

  6. As of the last few years....they want you to be 5cm.  Unless your water broke or you are having contractions.  Even if you are having contractions and your water hasn't broke, they will still send you home if you aren't "progressing" fast enough.

  7. it varies for everyone.  Based on if your water has broken, are you contracting, how far apart are they, how's the baby doing?  there are so many factors to consider.  

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