
When will they allow hotdog eatring and Heavy weight belly wrestling in the Olympics?

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They have sports in the Olympics which the average American can never hope to compete in. Why not Bring in sports that give these people that have trained from an early age to be the best at their chosen event. I watched the world eating contest where 4 of the top 5 were American. The Slight Japanese guy won it eating hotdogs, but i think the warm up burgers took the edge off the Americans. Wit a dedicated Olympic training regime i think America could take all three medals. Belly Wrestling i saw on one of the Cable channels and it involved two Average Americans oiled up trying to use their ample size to force the other outside a designated area. The American Ladies and Men took all the top places here. so more medals for being Average members of the Burger culture. could it happen?




  1. Thats the great thing about the Olympics. It is the best of the best. Plus the Olympics is a classy event. Don't bring that $hit in here.  

  2. not for a loooooooooooooong time! most events are out of tradition or test certain areas. the already have boxing so say good bye to heavy weight and i really don't think eating hot dogs test anything but your ability to hold food down with out barfing or seeing how big your stomach is plus. they already have the hot dog olypics ot what ever they are called in the u.s!.!!!

  3. They will never allow it, although they should :)

  4. hotdog eating?.... then perhaps at the next USA hosted games...tho Maccas may prefer you to go for burger eating instead.... (perhaps brawling for ownership of rights to junk food eating contests between large U.S. corporations could be a supplementary spectator sport?...)

    heavy weight belly wrestling.. perhaps if Tokyo wins 2016... they could switch some of the sumo guys over and whup more U.S. tushies.. they'd probs take the U.S. in hotdog eating as well...

    lol sorry but I suspect this is not the answer to the average American reclaiming top spot on the tally boards if that's what your hoping for.... :)

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