
When will they start serving tomatoes again at fast food restaurants?

by  |  earlier

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  1. idk. but taco bell wont give me any :(

  2. well it depnds how the fda nows about this problm i would say 3 weeks

  3. Tomatoes from Ohio are safe to eat.


  5. um dont they do that right now in bk? (sorry if this answer seems dumb...)

  6. OMG!!! they're not serving 2matoes!?!?! on saterday i went to [i 4got] but they DID serve 2matoes!!!! i dont really lyk 2matoes so idc...........

  7. I will gladly wait until this whole salmonella thing is over. I would much rather eat a hamburger with no tomato than worry about it being tainted.

  8. how come we can eat ketchup?

  9. When the food scare is over, or when they can figure ot how to charge 4 times the amount (like gasoline) for them

  10. Once they find out where the bad tomatoes are coming from, then they will know which tomatoes are good to eat. I love tomatoes too.  I always ask for extra.

  11. I believe every state must be cleared before they can serve them again. I live in MN, and i got the f*** thing about a week and a half ago...

    I was the 2nd in mn to pray to the porcelain god for almost a full week.

    The tomatoes were from Texas and new mexico- at least that is what they think...

    So they basically went everywhere... just my luck!

  12. it's just a little scare, probably in about a month.

  13. i heard on the News that in one week some fast food restraunts will continue serving tomatoes in one week but others like Mcdonalds will stay tomatoe free until the FDA gives them the okay and it is safe to eat tomatmaos once more

  14. hmm idk maybe when they are positive all the infected ones arnt in stock :)

  15. there is a samonella outbread in fresh tomatoes so until the solve the problem you need to grow your own.

  16. I got a salad from Bob Evans today. It had tomatoes.

    I always throw them out anyway, but my girl pointed it out.

    I almost forgot what was going on. I don't know how they can serve them legally.

  17. It depends on what area of the country a restaurant gets their tomatoes from.  There are a few areas that have been deemed safe from the FDA to receive tomatoes from.  I know at our Subway store we got the okay to use our tomatoes as they were received from a supplier in California.

  18. Last I heard Florida has been cleared so I will be gettin some on my cheeseburger tom. yeah!! :o)

  19. they already do!!!

  20. they always do or u might have 2 say add tomatoes

  21. probably not for awhile.  You would have a better chance of growing your own to eat with your fast food meals.


    good refrence

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