
When will this liberal fad be over?

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now that its cool to be a liberal everyone is jumping on the bandwagon. I live in louisville kentucky and its really sad to see some of the people who are claiming to be liberal. the drunk girl at the gas station is a liberal, the homeless guy is a liberal, all the high school kids are liberal. it worse that they dont even know what issues liberals support! they think if they vote obama they are liberal yet the still oppose abortion, g*y marriage, raising taxes, banning handguns etc..ect.. it is truly a passing fad. how long will this last and when can we get back to normal?




  1. Everyone is born a liberal conservatives grow up.

  2. Not gonna end anytime soon. It's absolutely a fad, and politically correct.  

  3. Your question shows you are out to lunch on history.

    If you look back in history, you'll find that Congress is liberal more often than not.  And I mean VERY liberal, not this just by 30 or 40 seats as since Nov '06.

  4. It is truly sad that people think it is Cool to support Obama, not even having the slightest clue what they are in for if Obama wins.......

  5. I think it will take a generation at least.

  6. Nov 4 when McCain wins. Most liberals grow up, get jobs and become good conservatve members of society. Some remain part of the counterculture.

  7. I certainly agree with you on this one. I hope this doesn't last too long. I hope the ones who are voting age will realize before the election. It's very scary how they don't even care to find their own truths and just follow something that's the "in thing."

    Vote Smart!

    Consider Your Children and Grand-Children;

    Their Future Is In Our Voting Hands!

    United We Stand, Divided We Fall!

  8. That does seem to be a problem. Liberals are so boisterous about Obama yet they have no idea what the issues are. I know it happens on both sides but I think it's much more common with libs. Especially the young ones.

  9. Not until after Armaggedon.

  10. Most sensible young adults outgrow liberalism just as kids outgrow toys

  11. we live in a free country, the Liberal movement will never be over.

    The meaning of the word will change and modify but not disappear.

    Marxist - Socialist, are not interchangeable words for Liberal.

  12. Obama isn't liberal since he wants to cut taxessome people. He is just a regular old democrat.

  13. Im not a liberal, but Im going to vote for Obama for not being a Bushy wooshy republican.

    Guess what I oppose abortion, approve g*y marriage, and hate tax raising, but I love my gun.

    What does that make me? Confused?

    No It makes me human, stop shoving everybody into one category or the other.

  14. Well, Joe E., it's never going to be over. You'll never be able to go back to "normal."  

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