
When will this world get destroyed 100% with not a single living organism with life?

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When will this world get destroyed 100% with not a single living organism with life?




  1. Anytime soon would be good.

  2. Never.  Your world ends the day you die.  Why are you concerned?  It is not rational nor logical.

  3. When the sun is all done burning itself...

  4. No one can say.  We can only estimate.  

    And yes, this rock CAN be devoid of ALL LIFE.  We find hunks of rock without even 1 cell organisms all the time.

  5. Life on the surface should be extinct in about 1BY.  The oceans should be gone in 2BY.  At that point Earth will resemble Venus.  However deep crustal life, the extremeophile bacteria, is rather hardy.  An asteroid impact that turned the Earths surface into a vast ocean of lava failed to kill life in the crust during the early Precambrian.  It survived quite happily between the heat of the mantle and the oceans of lava.  As the Earth cooled, life recolonized the reborn oceans.  As long as the earth has any internal heat and some water within the rocks, life can survive.  I suspect a few cells will still be around when the Earth is swallowed by the sun in about 5BY.

  6. Whenever it gets destroyed,whats going to matter.Enjoy life to the limit.Accept death happily.But its better to get doomed soon,that too all together!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Some say 12/21/12 Which is total c**p. The Mayans predicted it and they've predicted every single eclipse to this day and have only been a few days off, but they used the moon to predict. The moon has nothin to do with armogeddon. Also, look at the date. Just a variation of 1's and 2's. CONSPIRACY! The world better not end until I'm already dead... I love life...

  8. good question!

    when?  I don't know about a date.  But, when as in what event would do such a thing...when the sun "dies".

    if you reference the research gathered about the life cycle of stars, you'll find some pretty interesting and scary info.

    so look that up and see if you find the answer to that question.

    take care!

  9. not likely, the earth is pretty tough and has endured for a long time,it may end as we know it,but it will survive,and perhaps with some life forms

  10. never, you can't kill the roaches. the whole planet would have to be vaporized in order for that to happen. and even then something would probably survive, something always does.

  11. That is NEVER going to happen.  God intended for it to be life on Earth.

  12. october 17th 2041

    what a STUPID question.

  13. Never. There will always be some kind of "life" on this planet.

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