
When will those people that have commited the sin of abortion be sent to jail, how can we allow killers to ?

by Guest31877  |  earlier

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walk among us. I'm terrified.




  1. You confuse sin with crime, as is so often the case.  Crimes are defined by governments, not by you.  Governments have not been persuaded that an embryo is a person.

  2. The law does not punish 'sin'.

    The discussion has been over for decades.

    Your side LOST.

    Get over it.

  3. The law does not punish sins.  

    As it stands a woman who has abortion only has he maker to answer to.

    I prefer things that way, as to overturn Roe. V. Wade and amendment would have to be added to the Constitution.

    ALthough I may not like abortion I prefer to keep legislation out of my uterus.

  4. Its a womans choice what happens to her body.  

    How come small minded people like you are allowed to walk amongst us.  Free will is a basic human right.

    Stop preaching.

  5. As a woman its my right to choose...

    Your a guy and i dont have any clue where u think men control that part of a womans body

  6. If your so terrified about this then you need to go to Washington and start a protest.

  7. well its easy to say babe

    it depends on the situation and god will rather the child is aborted than suffers!!!

    scenario- this girl i have heard of got rapped by her father and is pregnant and shes only 14!!!

    would she have this babe which will be ill due to fact that its n inbreed and should the child have the confusion as to who his dad is and have the embarrassment explaining this to an over opinionated society! or should the child just be aborted!!!

    i do understand what you are saying but it all depends under the circumstances! women who sleep around and fall pregnant should face the consequences but women who have this brought upon them should not have to and should be entitled a choice!

    i believe that the abortion date should be lowered to 8weeks  and no higher!!!


  8. Never because they would have never been able to open such a clinic if they weren't able to preform these actions . Woman have a right to do as they please ! Another thing I heard you weren't able to get an abortion unless you had permission from the father of the child so why is it that people put down the woman when the men have the say in it as well . Most of the time the men are the one that suggest the abortion in the first place . So as far as them going to jail not happenings in our future !

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