
When will we all die from global warming?

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Will the next generation meet their fate from the climate change?

If not, then in approximately how many years will people not be able to survive?




  1. we've survived periods of global warming before (middle ages); we'll be fine. What humans need to worry about is the next ice age; that will be harder to survive than a "warm" age.

  2. Global warming is NOT a real threat.  Even if it happened, it wouldn't be that HOT to be not survivable.  An ice age which is more likely to be starting could be more of a threat because ice makes for a poor garden.  Think about it.

  3. My quess is when our food sources run out.

  4. I don't think  that global warming is going to be a big problem.  Follow the link and watch the video.

  5. Here's the shame that those who perpetuate this hoax should bear.  A couple of days ago a young man said he was going to kill himself in the name of the environment.  I hope he didn't do it.

    There is an overload on alarmism when it comes to global warming.  No one knows if it will be warmer or colder any time in the future.

    Some scientist are even telling us that global warming has taken a break until the year 2020.

    The truth is that no one knows what the future will be like, and years from now this will be as silly as the Y2K scare.

    About every 6 years we go through 'The World is Ending' scare.  Just ignore them and life your life.

  6. Bob takes a typical liberal tact that the rich will survive but the poor won't.  The left always seems to see itself at the protector of the poor and they always attempt to illicit guilt.  I guess I just wasn't raised that way nor do I think that way.  The fact is, more people die from cold than warmth.  Your question is disturbing in that it indicates you have totally bought into the nonsense from some sources that we are doomed.  We are not.  Global warming is but a minor problem.  It is simply a convenient tool for the left.  It is not about  conspiracies although there certainly are some.  It is simply about a political movement that started in the 70s as the green movement that has metastasized to its present form.

  7. Maybe a million years into the future when the sun has used up all it's hydrogen and it begins to swell up into a red giant the size of Venus' orbit around the sun.  That's global warming for ya.

    So party on, we have a very long time.

  8. My guess is 1,004,345 years from now. This is when Al Gore's offspring revive him and he feeds on everything on the planet leaving no plant or animal alive.

  9. Global warming will not wipe out our species. It may make life unpleasant for a lot of people, be a factor in causing a few wars for resources, cost a lot of money/effort for mitigation, but it won't wipe out our species.

  10. we'll adapt and overcome

    funny thing is that global warming is likely to eventually cause another ice age (the science works) if unchecked - hopefully we can stop or delay that kind of change.  

    Either way, some areas are going to have to adapt more than others depending on the severity of climate change, and it will take several years / decades even in the most severe cases- at that rate we'll still be able to make the necessary changes to our lifestyle and keep on living generation to generation.  Parkas just might come in style!  No need to buy one just yet.

  11. We (the majority of us) won't die from Global Warming, what would be a real problem for many is when we enter the next ice age.

  12. Honestly- humans will survive. Climate change is not man-made. Even if it does get very warm, we'll just use new technology.

  13. Probably within 100 years or so (most of us will die of other causes).  

    People are likely to survive, just not as many.

  14. yesterday

  15. LMAO, Biggie lunch is on me at the Olive Garden on that date

  16. You don't have to worry about Global Warming, in fact as the temps rise it will push the weather patterns farther north. Canada and Siberia will be opened up to farming. More land more food. You will really need to worry if and when there is another Ice Age. People will freeze and there will be food shortages.

    Plants and animals thrive in a greenhouse. They whither and die in the frozen waste land.

  17. i guess people will adapt very slowly to different climates, but remember, the world has been much much more polluted than now and what it will be in 100 or so years.

    i would think the next generation's fate will not be decided through climate change.

  18. Next year when the polar bears start migrating and eating us.

  19. I won't be able to survive in a hundred years or so...I'll be 130 years old.  My children will have difficulties 30 years beyond that, their children....

  20. Global warming will not kill us the only thing is that there is going to be less ground in the planet

  21. Never.  We're tough, and the planet is even tougher.  But that doesn't mean we don't want to avoid the worst of it.

    It won't be a Hollywood movie style disaster. Gradually coastal areas will flood and agriculture will be damaged. But it will be very bad. Rich countries will cope, but it will take huge amounts of money. In poor countries many people will die of starvation, but not all of them.

  22. We won't die from global warming. Obviously some fear tactics worked on you well..

  23. March 3, 2047, some time after lunch.

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