
When will we be able to see cultural unity in our young society?

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I believe the time has come for our youth to set an example to the older and newborns to come that America must come together, where a punk can be friends with a prep.

Where goths, jocks and ghetto kids have a click together, where African American people can listen to heavy punk and Caucasions can listen to rap and not be critisized. Where blacks can can skateboard and whites can play basketball and not be judged. We all have problems but the only way to solve them is to get on the right path and to feel a positive change in joining cultures and genres. I think colorblindness should finally come to effect.




  1. Psh. Our school has tried, to no avail. It just doesnt work, unless you start from childhood. We had "Challenge Day" at our school, to "unite us for a common cause" and bring people together. But even after all that, people are still to shallow and reserved to really break their shells. It just wont work in my mind. People will always be biased inside, unless you insist it from an early age. I agree with you though, colorblindness is a good thing. I do not see the reason for this segragation. Even though there have been many many movements for peace, unity, anti-segragation,rights, people will still stay odd. We need someone to show us the way, cause nobody will take it into our own hands, sadly.

  2. I love how everyone in this chat room assumes that racism and bias are inherent in human nature. My sister just got back from Canada, and she was amazed because blacks and whites could hold hands and be affectionate and not get stared at (I should mention I live in one of the Southern states). Malcolm X, in the 1960s, went to Mecca, and blacks and whites were brothers there - it changed his views on racism - he realized that racism was not universal - there was something about American society that made racism so dominant. Notice how this thread only mentions two countries - the US and South Africa. If you go back and look at international press and literary coverage of racism in history, from the 1960s to the present, you will see that every country in the world agrees that the two most racist countries that EVER existed are the United States and South Africa. Not to say that there aren't racial and ethnic conflicts all over the world (WWII Germany is a good example - n***s and Jews) - but they are not universal by any means. Cuba was a racist society that changed their society in a lot of ways - there is, of course, critcism and skepticism, but the major progress made there has been undeniable.

    And, to defend Nelson Mandela, he clearly states in his autobiography that he disagreed with the Communists. His party was never a Communist party. And he didn't personally kill all the whites. He was imprisoned for 27 years for trying to overthrow an unjust regime, and he helped broker the end of an unjust system.

    Racism isn't inherent to humans - American society makes us racist. Notice that I'm not saying ONLY American society makes us racist or that I hate America. I'm just saying that American society makes us racist.

    As a sociologist, I was trained to debunk the "myth of the colorblind society," but now I feel that it was a colossal mistake to do so. The sooner we treat each other like humans, the sooner this racial madness will end. BUT EVERYONE has to chip in. Like I said, I live in one of the Southern states, and I have to disagree that whites have done their part and that blacks are the ones keeping racism alive - I meet prejudiced whites every single day. They say the most retarded things.

    And as far as Mexicans. If we were race neutral, then we wouldn't care about them becoming the majority. We would treat them as equals. How do you think they felt when we stole a big chunk of their lands over a hundred years ago? We, as an American society, didn't have a problem with the Monroe Doctrine in the 19th Century, which stated that all of Latin America should belong to the United States.

    I'm not trying to say white people are all wrong, or that we should waste our time with guilt. I'm just saying that I feel in the last few years that the pendulum has swung too far in the direction of the Neo-n**i, racist camp. I feel that American society is far more racist than it was even 12 years ago. I understand how Dinesh Souza feels, but I still think he's wrong.

  3. What a SMART young man you are... I agree 110% and I hope I see your dream in my life time....I sure respect your statement! We need to change the thinking of our young and move forward, stop living in the past....but unfortunately, ppl are always going to have problems with one another... too many people in the world, too many views, too much anger and too much violence.

  4. Not being prejudiced here, but a majority of white folk have become accustomed and even immerse themselves into different cultures. The difference is, it's still "uncool" for black folk to be like the "white man," who dresses in business attire, and gets down and dirty with the paperwork. It's considered "nerdy," even though a majority REALIZE that it is necessary. I'm not focusing on blacks and whites because I'm racist, but because that was the main focus of your question. We've seen the rap culture of the black American seep into the white American culture. When will the black American culture accept the white American culture?

  5. My town is like this - where are you from? I think it's regional. People in big cities claim they're more diverse, but when I'm there is just looks like isolated groups. I guess it's a human thing - people like to stay with their perceived "kind". It's rather silly don't you think? I think it's young people too. Once you hit your 30s these things do not matter.

  6. Well that might happen when you stop with double standards like saying "African American" then demeaning whites by saying Caucasian.

      Why not "unify" with the word "European American?"

      Look, its bad enough in America rite now. Mexicans are on the way to being over 50% of the population (25 million alone rite now are illegal!) and everyones worried about unity? It can never happen. Look at south africa - its a mess and everyones patting Mandella on the back (a confirmed ex-communist by the way).when over 2.500 white farmers have been slaughtered in two years as of now.

      Putting races togther never works because we are different - plain and simple. I will never say one is better then the other, just saying that it will never work - period. Id like to see Clintons daughter with a black guy -

      I dont know man. Alls i know is what your saying (in racial terms only) will never worked and history has proved it.

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