
When will we be able to travel to Cuba and spend American dollars!?

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When will we be able to travel to Cuba and spend American dollars!?




  1. You can still travel to Cuba as a US citizen legally with a special license for travel (under certain circumstances)...or illegally via another country such as Canada.

    As for spending US dollars? Well that stopped in 2004 but may start up again. No one knows for sure.

    Raúl Castro may take a step to try to lighten up the situations as one article suggested.

    But in the meantime, if you´re planning on going to Cuba, just travel with CAD dollars and make sure Cuba doesn´t stamp your passport.

    **Edit: The Shadow doesn't read too closely. There are legal ways for a US citizen to go into Cuba...and many Americans travel to Cuba and do not get arrested when they return. US citizens cannot make purchases in Cuba...that is what is illegal, not the travel itself.

    See the first link:

  2. You can travel there now! Fly into Cancun, Mexico and take a plane from there. They don't stamp american passports when you arrive in Cuba they slip a piece of paper in you passport with the stamp.

  3. From what I read. There is no difference between Castro and his brother, who just took power. So until the US loosens up, we won't be able to go there for a long time.

  4. Probably not anytime soon. The US embargo has been in place for over 40 years despite the fact that it has been a total failure. There are no indications that this will be changed anytime soon.

    The embargo will be lifted when Washington decides that Cuba has made sufficient democratic reforms. There are no signs that the Cuban government is even considering this.

    I suggest that you ignore the other comments about traveling through Canada or Mexico. It is illegal and, if you are caught,  you will be arrested when you return to the US.

  5. Just give it some time.  It will happen eventually.  No big deal change your U. S. dollars into Canadian and go  via Canada

  6. Maybe once Raul is gone but he is more stringently communistic than his brother was.

  7. Believe me this is not for tomorrow! There gonna be first a revolution (civil war) because the Cubans will ask there land and proprieties back, so this not yet in question with Raoul, so it will be something for many years to come....

  8. NOW ....if...

    You have a a US license from OFAC see  or you can go ILLEGAL via Cancun (Mexico) or Toronto (Canada)

    You can exchange US dollars in the Cuban state exchange agencies CADECA or in the Cuban banks...... BUT...

    be prepared to pay a 10% extra duty above the commercial margin with the actual weak position of the US dollar you will lose considerable money exchanging US dollars a better move is to exchange the US dollar for Euro or Canadian dollar.



  9. Once this Castro dies.

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