
When will we finally get fed up with all the hate, and negatives of society and stand up to it?

by  |  earlier

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I mean how much longer will we all tolerate all the gangs out there, the drugs, the abuse, all the social injustice, the rabid poor, the s****. rich, the this and that, all the trillions of problems we have, and the hate towards one another, the negatives,

when will it all come to an end??

How many more years can we take it?

Historically speaking...well we've taken it over and over and continue to do so but...

seirously, when will all the good people out there take a stand and say enough is enough?

I get sick of seeing some of the same stuff every day.




  1. LETS PRAY!!!!!

  2. satin is counting on us to get sick and fed up with it so we stop fightng dont let him win. trust in the lord Jesus call upon his name for help.  

    God bless you.

  3. Those who stand against the masses who refuse to change are simply cut down.  This is the sad truth.  People are never truly "enlightened" they just learn more of the truth.

    You have rage built up against the injustices of the world...but rage is rage nonetheless, and it will destroy you.  You are not fighting against political systems or any government.  You are trying to fight against the very essence of the flawed human psyche.  You cannot change a world that refuses to change, you can only change yourself.

    Without Evil there is no Good.  Without Darkness there is no Light and without Sorrow there is no Happiness.  Soon, you too will learn that terms like Justice, Good, Evil, Right and Wrong are human perceptions of actions taken.  Who is right anyway?  This or that religion?  This or that Political structure?  My code is based on close observations of the codes of others.  My beliefs are quite simply really.  I commit no acts of Evil, this is because I do not want to negatively impact those around me, not out of fear of punishment in the hereafter.  It is better to not act bad because it is the right thing to do than out of fear of punshiment, don't you agree?

    If you stopped hating so much Luke and simply improved yourself  not through wealth or prestige, but in spirit and wisdom, you would be amazed at how much more peaceful your life becomes.  My life became so much simpler when I quit hating so much.

    As I've told you before-

    "Do not attempt to cover the world in leather to avoid the jagged rocks...just wear leather shoes."

  4. when you decide to some times you have to look forward to the things you like to keep you happy

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