Other countries send us sub standard product. Food poisoned by lack of clean habits, toys with lead high enough to turn our kids into idiots. They raise the price of gas to fatten their pocket. When in need they ask us for help but when they get what they want or need we become the enemy again. They export their c**p into our country to fatten up the pockets of their own all while fighting to keep anything we export out of their country. Mainly because they are smart enough to know you have to be self sustaining. WHEN ARE WE GOING TO STOP DESTROYING OUR COUNTRY BY SENDING OUR JOBS TO THEM, BUYING OUR NEEDS FROM THEM. WE ARE BUILDING OTHERS TO TEAR US DOWN. WHEN WILL WE GET OFF OUR *** AND FIGHT BACK! Look at North Korea and how hard they are fighting to keep US. beef out of Korea. The Korean government wound it's people up knowing they would fight. Seems to me that America may be able to learn something from them. YOU CAN GET OFF OUR *** AND FIGHT BACK So, my question is "WHEN"