
When will we go back to the "energy speed limit" of 55mph?

by Guest66906  |  earlier

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All these jerks drive too fast!!!




  1. I think they will go back. But people are still going to speed no matter what.

  2. The Washington Post said in an article last week that the drive-55 was less safe and fatalities caused by accidents went down when the speed limit went back to 70mph.  Someone driving 45 on a 70mph highway is far more dangerous than someone driving 85.  

    Today's fuel injected vehicles are more efficient that carborators and only makes a 1-2mpg difference.  It's a stupid law that no one followed, and some states reduced their ticket fines to only $5.  

    Maybe you need to speed up and quit being a road hazard.    

  3. Most people ignored the 55mph speed limits anyways.  Going to lower speed limits is just a way to write more tickets.

    If you don't want to drive above 55 get off the highway.  You are causing more problems by being in the way.

    looloop - Using your theory the Autoban is probably one of the most dangerous roads in the world.  Instead its one of the safest.

  4. some already have read the news

  5. I did once gas hit 3.50.

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