
When will we have a national health care system like Canada or France?

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When will we have a national health care system like Canada or France?




  1. When you cut back on wars  look after people  Not killing them

  2. Never

  3. Who is 'we'?

  4. Perhaps you should ask your own government.  The citizens of Canada or France have no say over government services that are available in your country.

  5. I'm just assuming that you are American...

    You will get it when your government stops lying to you...  Watch Michael Moore's documentary Sicko!

  6. From what I gather listening to your media, and the people on this site, never. Your countrymen have been fed too many lies, lies about substandard care, high taxes, long waits, and it has scared them off of universal health care. The US is the last developed country in the world to not have switched to socialized medicine, when you are definitely the ones who need it most.

  7. Probably never. US=land of people who will probably never appreciate it.

  8. never.

    it would be to difficult, and not all people would like that system (ex the rich)

  9. probably never.  people in those countries have had it for a long time and don't abuse the system.  here, if you gave everyone health care, they would abuse it - not thinking it through that you do eventually pay for it in the end.  stupid people make this type of good change impossible.  sorry.

  10. It will most likely happen when medicine has advanced so far that you no longer need health care!!!

    "I had a heart attack this big (Holds out hands, gesturing bigness) ..but, I gave myself one of these.

    Clear! (Puts imaginary electrode panels to his chest) Brrhht.. and it's gone!"

    - Jerry Seinfeld

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