
When will we know the out come of the first test between sri lanka and india?

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  1. sunday

  2. I would say around third session on day 5 ...

  3. it will be 5 th day last session ~,...

    Wilting under the pressure, Ganguly and Karthik played panic shots. Ironic, for perhaps they were so puzzled by Mendis that they took chances against Murali.

  4. The 1st test between India and Sri Lanka will end tommorow, on 27th July, so we will definitely be able to know the outcome by tommorow.

    Depending on the performance of the Indian batsmen today in the 2nd innings, also, the outcome can be gussed by today, though not with total certainty. After getting the follow on, if the India doesn't lose any early wickets, and manage to survive under the Sri Lankan bowling attack led by Murli, then they can hope for  draw. Otherwise, if the Indian batsmen again collapse so miserably as they did in the 1st innings, then a defeat is imminent for them in the 1st test.

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