
When will we know whether or not Gustav will hit New Orleans???

by  |  earlier

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Or at least have a pretty good idea? When should we expect an evac order to be issued? When will I be able to chill out? I don't want to panic TOO early.




  1. Yes, by Friday when its 3 days out from projected landfall, you pretty much know the general area this storm is going, and evac order/hurricane watches/warnings will be issued for that specific area.  The cone of uncertainity shrinking, computer model trackings all clustered together, all that jazz, etc...


    everything here is subject to change..

  3. It really is too soon to tell, and the storm's track may be greatly affected by Cuba.

    Just watch the news and be prepared to evacuate.

  4. at around friday theyll have a better idea of were its goin to make lanfdall in the gulf coast

  5. i would have my stuff packed and arrangements made in the next  couple of days.. then just sit and wait ...and fallow instructions......I don't think anyone should be too chilled out with a storm in the gulf....they try there best to advise us but we all know these storms can have a mind of their own.... any one that lives on the coast should have a bag packed at all times....that way you don't have to panic.....just be go if you  need too.....if your scared than   go this weekend better safe than sorry....

  6. Looks like Monday is a good best shot for first impressions.  Then it may or may not come directly towards any specific spot, as they do tend to wobble.  Be prepared ahead of time, that's what I am doing.

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