
When will yahoo get rid of the handball forum?

by  |  earlier

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no questions, no users.... Why on earth is it here?




  1. What's the point?

    Everybody loves handball!

  2. Lol I'm trying to get Top Contributor too.  Should we play a game of handball to see who the winner is?

    Handball should stay.

  3. Handball Is a Fairly Good Sport.

    I Acknolage Kjors Is The Top Answerer and I Say" Im Comin' King Kjors!"

  4. handball rules. im the top answerer here and it should stay here.

  5. It is a goddly sport. that is so good it deserves an empty forum

  6. i know it is g ay

  7. I'm pretty sure you answer questions to become a TC, Jeff. How's this: you give me best answer on this one, and I'll give you best answer on a handball question! lol

  8. Handball is a great sport, appreciated by all! :P

    (not really..)

    They dont have lacrosse, or Field hockey, or any of the usefull sports here.

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