
When will you Global Warming Loons decide to get rid of the sun?

by Guest33272  |  earlier

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The SUN is the ONLY reason for Global Climate Change. Since you want to battle this, what are your plans for taking out the sun? Giant Snow Ball? Space mirror? Move the earth? what?




  1. good idea, but could we just not move the earth to orbit further away from the sun to keep at the optimum temperarure

  2. The scientific data shows that argument is wrong.

    "Recent oppositely directed trends in solar

    climate forcings and the global mean surface

    air temperature", Lockwood and Frolich (2007), Proc. R. Soc. A


    News article at:

    Even FOXNEWS admits it:

    "While evidence suggests fluctuations in solar activity can affect climate on Earth, and that it has done so in the past, the majority of climate scientists and astrophysicists agree that the sun is not to blame for the current and historically sudden uptick in global temperatures on Earth, which seems to be mostly a mess created by our own species.",2933,2583...

  3. Just wait until the earth's magnetic field reverses.  It takes about 100-150 years to complete the shift and while it occurs, the amount of solar radiation increases.  I figure it will kill off about 3 billion people, so after north becomes south and south becomes north, the population will be culled and nature will recover nicely.

  4. It is not the ONLY reason!

  5. You misunderstand the theory of anthropogenic global warming.  Climate scientists are well aware of the sun and have been studying it extensively for a long time.  And in spite of jello's false assertion regarding what NASA says, the output energy of the sun has not been the cause of the warming the latter part of the last century.  The Max Planck Society of Germany are considered among the world experts on the sun and they said:

    "researchers at the MPS have shown that the Sun can be responsible for, at most, only a small part of the warming over the last 20-30 years"

    The sun is like a heater in your house that runs continuously.  No one denies that the sun is sending heat to the planet, just like your heater is warming air in your house.

    Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere are like windows in your house.  When there is little greenhouse gases, that's like having your windows open (letting the heat escape) and your house cools.  When there is a lot of greenhouse gases, that's like having your windows closed (trapping the heat) and your house warms.

    So when it comes to controlling the heat in your house (planet) you can either open some windows (reduce greenhouse gases in the atmosphere) or turn off the heater (block the sun).

  6. Get rid of the sun. Now THERES a plan that makes total sense all life on earth will cease to exist but the planet will be nice and cool! if you take a look at temperatures over the history of our planet they went up when we started industrializing not when the sun was around.

  7. You're wrong.  It's not that simple.  

    Changes in solar radiation were involved  at times in the past, but are inadequate to explain the amount of warming seen in past cycles.  Most of the warming came from greenhouse gases:

    "An important clue came from some especially good ice core records that showed a lag in the levels of CO2 and methane. They seemed to rise or fall a few centuries after a rise or fall in temperature. This confused many people, who thought the time lag contradicted the greenhouse theory of global warming. But in fact the lag was not good news. Scientists quickly realized that it strongly confirmed that the Milankovitch-cycle shifts in sunlight initiated a powerful feedback loop. Evidently the close of a glacial era came when a slight rise of temperature stimulated massive changes in gas levels, which drove the temperature still higher, which drove further changes in the gas levels, and so forth. Ice ages were thus the reverse of our current situation, where humanity was initiating the change by adding greenhouse gases. Once that began to warm the planet, would the feedbacks begin to drive things higher on their own?"


    "It was now clear that not only the most obvious feedback, but also the most momentous one, was the connection between global temperature and greenhouse gas levels. Relatively straightforward analysis of the data showed that a doubled level of CO2 had always gone along with a rise of a few degrees in global temperature. It was a striking verification, with entirely independent methods and data, of what computer models had been predicting for the planet’s greenhouse future."

    The author Spencer R. Weart is Director of the Center for History of Physics of the American Institute of Physics (AIP) in College Park, Maryland.  His own informed conclusions regarding global warming are posted here:

    Here's what you're advocating (intentionally or not):

    Impacts of Global Warming

  8. I gotta tell you this is common sense.

    No sun.

    No Earth.

    No you.

    No me.

    And global warming is basically from us humans and our waste...hate to break it to ya

  9. Good post.  Even NASA says that the Sun contributes half of all warming we experienced in the last 100 years.  The next largest contributor is nature with man coming in a distant 3rd.

    Russian scientist believe the Sun will enter in a cooling phase that will put us into a deep freeze over the next 50 years.

  10. These loons are driven by an agenda.  In fact they're already gearing up for the "global cooling" mantra.

    Since it's cyclic, they can alternate between cooling and warming every 20 or 30 years and apparently no one notices.

    And of course the main theme is to blame it on humans.  That way they can limit activity of the masses while the rich proponents and politicians can do whatever they want.

    This tends to make everyone skeptical of scientists now since many are being paid off to say humans cause global warming.

    Most don't buy the hoax, but it may be too late since the politicians are ready to tax us to kingdom come over this nonsense.  Get ready for very expensive fuel, heating, cooling, food, everything.  It affects the poor and middle class the most, so the rich can still fly their Lear jets and ride in their limos.

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