
When will you realize that global warming is a hoax?

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When will you realize that global warming is a hoax?




  1. I already have.

  2. Exactly how is it a hoax summers are getting hotter winters are getting colder each year the hole in the ozone is getting bigger ice caps are melting HOW IS IT A HOAX?

  3. When the scientific organizations withdraw their official statements that it's real, and mostly caused by us.

    EVERY major scientific organization has issued such a statement.

    I hope everybody will go to the davidicke website, and see just how credible the global warming deniers sources are.  This was amusing:


      One of the noble metals, monatomic gold can overcome gravity, bend space-time and raise human consciousness and frequency."

    A little more research lets you know that Icke believes the world is controlled by reptiles from the constellation Draco.

  4. I will never "realize that global warming is a hoax" because "hoax" implies a malicious intent to deceive. I beleive that the tens of thousands of people directly involved in AGW research and reaction to it, plus the millions affected directly or indirectly are, for the most part, honourable people trying to help others and/or expand our knowledge.

    There is not now, nor ever will be, a "hoax".

    That said, the theory may be wrong.

    The theory, like all good science, is based on hypothesis, experiment, empirical evidence, proxy measurements, modelling, etc, etc.

    When the same scientific method shows that there is reasonable doubt in the AGW theory, then I will (probably) change my opinion.... but only when the facts prove such.

  5. never so many people have been brain washed over this ****  

  6. Nobody thinks that anymore. It's like those people who say nobody ever landed on the moon or that the government was behind Robert and John F. Kennedy's assassinations. Oh wait... you believe those, too, I bet...

  7. If it's true that Britain will be full of vineyards, it can't happen fast enough!

  8. when we stop trusting the government with the task of educating our children

  9. Probably the same day as someone successfully convinces me that the earth indeed IS flat!

    I sincerely wonder who could be behind this huge hoax that's convinced close to all leaders in the world that this is a serious threat and that we need to take precausions?

    I know some people would say "Al Gore", but really, wouldn't that be to give that guy too much credit? He might be big in the U.S. (which is one of the most skeptic countries in the world) but he doesn't have that much influence on the rest of the world.

  10. I realized after going to see David Icke in Hull. He is a great speaker with a lot of passion for helping others

    Find out why global warming is a scam here

  11. i dont know, man made global warming could still be a reality, but to prove it we would have to get the GW alarmists and the politicians to shut up for a few years though.

  12. When will you realize that your Hummers and lack of knowledge

    is KILLING our chances of having future generations?

  13. Question is of form 'When will you stop beating your wife?'

    But for many people this is also of the form of when will you realize that religion is a hoax? Billions of people would ask you for proof of the claim that it is a hoax.

    I know, someone told you that it is the responsibility of anyone putting forward a proposition for people to accept to prove the proposition. But when the proposition is already the view of the majority, it is proven to their satisfaction until you prove the contrary.  

    Just provide a proof, to the level of preponderance of evidence, that global warming theory is a hoax.  And I know how impossible this is, but this is your proposition to be proven to those who do not accept it.

    It is like trying to prove that there is no God... and yet people actually try it.

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