
When will you say.." Ok gotta sell my car".. Gas prices are to high?

by  |  earlier

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what price is to high ?..$5.00 gl......$8.00gl...




  1. Well..... I took the bus

  2. Back in 1977, when this Happened, the first!!

  3. This morning at 9am I sold 1 2 1/2 ton truck, 1 1 1/2 ton truck, 1 wood chipper, 1 back hoe, 1 skid steer, 6 chain saws, 1 15 ton trailer, 1 600 gallon deisel tank and 1 4100 ford tractor because the gas and deisel prices have put me out of business. And that completely sucks.

  4. I would say right now, my son just sold his truck for a car that gets more gas mileage, and my other son just bought a motor cycle. Yes now is the time.

  5. Its insane but where I live everything is very spread out and we have the worse of alternate transportation systems...I'm afraid survival dictates that the meals I enjoy will have to be the meals that are sad as that is...

  6. I won't.But what I will do is make every trip count,no more Sunday cruising out to the lake.I have been using less gas every month for the last several months and what I have found is it is doable.I think most people just don't want to try or be inconvienced but if it truly gets too high we will be anyway so a few cut backs won't hurt us we should be adapting by now.

  7. Ummm, I have already said that..I am cheap sooo I have already thought gas has been too high. I can remember when Clinton was in office and the gas was only $1.11 a gallon, and sometimes the local radio station 97.9 WNCI would have promotions and the gas would only be .97 cents. That was a great time..where you could go cruising with your friends for hours on $5. Now cruising or even going to the store seems to be teeth grinding. I have a Camaro RS and it is nowhere good on gas unless you baby it like I do and only go where it is vital to go. I am going to sell it here soon that or trade it in, not only because of gas prices but because I am pregnant now and I will need a family 4 door anyways. And since we are on the subject of high about milk?? d**n!!!!

  8. I debated over that for months. I finally decided to put $1,000. in my car and keep it a bit longer. I'm hoping to be getting my horse and buggy within the coming year.

  9. When we have public transportation around here.  All we have is a few taxi's and they are by no means cheaper.

  10. by the time you say that, it wont be worth anything

    whatever i do, i'll never begin a sentence with 'ok', unless it is a short answer to a direct question

  11. never...i cant walk the 15 miles to town and carry 1500 pounds of gravel on my back

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