
When will young teenagers realise its not good to have children so young?

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It just amazes me that some teenagers are sending messages on this site saying that they want to get pregnant at 13 and 14 years old, they feel ready etc.

I think they should wait a few years first and experience life. Dont get me wrong some teenage mums are fabulous mums etc but its how some of them talk as if they are toys.

Children are not toys, they are for life, they will depend on you for the majority of your life and being a mum is one of the hardest jobs you can do!!




  1. I'm saying this as a 14 year old mother.

    They don't f/ck up you lives. Yes, they make it hard but that isn't their fault.

    It is hard being a mom. Espically being one at 14. My boyfriend is still with me and he is a great dad. Supporting all 3 of us on a freaking fast food job and going into his freshmen year of Highschool. I'm going into 8th grade.

    But I love them both. And teenagers should wait. It truely ruins your socail life, and peoples parents tell their kids not to talk to you and you become an out cast.

    But who are we to lecture this, it is their choice.!

  2. Agrred. I'm 15 and when I saw Jamie Lynn's baby and saw how great things are going for her I was like OMG I want a baby (still do) but not that stupid and know real life isn't like this.

  3. yea thatz reallt true

  4. They'll realize it when one of their friends get pregnant. They'll see that its not as easy as it looks.

    Or, sadly, when they get pregnant. But then it'll be too late.

    I totally agree with you.

  5. when h**l freezes over

    i agree with you and im 13

  6. i agree. but i think it has alot to do with there parents not teaching them any better, like my parents said it was fine to have s*x, or some parents dont like talking about s*x with there kids so they learn everything at school and think if you dont have s*x guys wont like you.

  7. When the government etc makes a birth control method (needle or implant) that is givin at age 12 (approx) to protect against pregnancy for a full 10 years.  I think this is the only way to solve such a raising problem these days.  No matter how much s*x ed there is it seems that young teens just don't give a sh*t about them selves.  It is very sad that teens have no respect for themselves and don't think about the fact that they are to be responsible for what they do when it comes to s*x.  Very dissapointing if you ask me.


    I am 14 and I know girls who consider pragnancy as a career option, they get so much money for having a kid that they don't have to work :@:@

  9. i think you are so right. they are too young to even understand what they've done. I think the best show on t.v. is" the babyborrowers" I think it comes on on wednesday nights and they let teens move into a house, make one of them work a job, and give them someones baby who is constantly checking on them thru a computer and is at a house nearby. they have them for a week day and night. It is the funniest thing i've ever seem. you see these smart *** kids saying i'm going to have a baby, and by the end of day one they are cerying for their mommies. they have no clue til then. i love that show!!!

  10. Yeah, I think it's selfish of teens to say they want babies. Those poor babies aren't going to have the best life that they could have had if that person had just waited a few years. I'm not saying teenage moms are bad mothers, but I think they could be a lot better if they were older and more experienced in life.

  11. im 15 an i realised that

    it finally came into my head when my older sister had a baby wen she was in her teens an she cant go out an have fun like she wants to because she has a baby to take care of also you have to grow up really fast an you have alot of responsabilities.

  12. once they have the kid and they realize they cant feed it and they dont have a job :\

    answer mine pleease?

  13. They'll realize it when there boyfriend brakes up with them, not wanting to have a child before they're able to drive.

    And then, they're parents wont support them.

    They still need education.

    And where's the mother going to get the support for the baby?

  14. i agree with you. i am 14, but i think that i am much too young to actually raise a child of my own. Some teens like babysitting or the way having a kid looks but they don't realize that when you get tired/ don't like the sound of crying you still have to raise the kid. And when you're 20 and decide to you want to go out and have fun and live your life a little bit you can't just leave your 8 year old child at home... Don't get me wrong, juno is a great movie, but the media really needs to stop making teen pregnancy look like it's cool and show that everbody isn't doing it...

  15. Yeah im 15 and i realize that.

    those that don't are stupid and i could careless if they f*ck up their lives by having a child at a young age


  16. Yes it's hard and your opinion matters not one bit to them.  Neither does anyone elses' and they'll have to learn the hard way. This was happening decades and centuries ago.  This isn't a new thing.  Everyone pretends this is something thats never happened before. Some surprise.  No use posting about it.  Just make sure you keep your children out of ignorant situations and don't stress over these other young womens ignorance.  It'll never affect your life.  Only theirs.  Let them live it.

  17. I guess most teens don't realise the responsibility of a baby, they probably just think they are cute and want something that feels theres. If they get the right education they should realise but i guess that kind of education is bad.

  18. I agree with you and I hope that the young teens don't make the mistake of underestimating parenthood- as rewarding as it is, it's hard.

  19. Well I am 14 and I enjoy beeing young while I am and I dont think it is "cool" to have children at a young age

  20. I 110% agree with you.

    But I also think that teenagers will never fully grasp the idea of not getting pregnant and wait.

  21. i realise this to. but im NOT a virgin and proud of it. but i understand thats why i say use protection and birth control

  22. Lets see them try to go to Prom when they have a sick 4 year old on there hands! they are not going to be able to go out with friends or go to the movies when they want!

  23. I am 16 and i have a 2 month old son.

    i did not want to get pregnant

    i was on birth control

    i have a job

    i am aware my son is a human not a toy

    my son is my number one priority.

    you may think i am irresponcible for getting pergnant but i will not be questioned on whether i take care of him or not because i do a d**n good job.

  24. I agree with you 100%.

    I am 13 and pregnant.

    I didn't want this but I was the one who had s*x and I am the one who has to deal with the consequences.

    I know what you mean about people making them sound like toys and its like this is somebodys life.

  25. Many young parents are great parents but its just the few that make them all look bad...

    Teenagers have been having children for years but now a days they are alot more open about having s*x and children younger...

  26. You know what? I'm 17 and I totally agree. Teens should not be getting pregnant at 13 and 14. And even older than that! They're still kids. I don't think they realize the responsibility parents have for their children. They should just enjoy their youth. That's why I have not even dated. I'm not saying dating is wrong...but for me...I just want to enjoy my teen years while they last.

  27. i totally agree all these young dumb little girls who think they are ready are just ridiculous... they should ask some who is there age who kept there child, if they recommend it.. i got pregnent when i was 18 and it has been the hardest thinig in the world .. i love my son but its hard work!!.. i remember woring to jobs from 6 in the morning till 2 o clock in the morning before i got pregnant and it was way easier than raising a child.... so if you think your ready you not you are children your self.... but for all those younger ones that accidently got pregnant good for you for sticking it out and being a good mom..... but NEVER THINK YOUR READY WHEN YOU THAT YOUNG its STUPID....!

    FOR "i wanna get pregnant"

    umm your bf will be the first to bail and if your parents and sister and friends support you then are jsut as dumb as you are!!! so yeah you will see youll leave or he will one of you... your not ready your still a CHILD!!!

    your not even grown up enought to see that ... that should tell you somehting....


  28. Never in the close future.

    Unless it's nescesarry to make our popullation big before 2012 if the world is going tgo end which I doubt.

    if they are stupid, let them be. Their lives, so they can fnck them up or keep them clean.


  29. Me being 14 i have already as a whole never

  30. When they already have it!

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