
When women/feminist gets "gender equality" ?

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does that mean you women want to do the courtship in relationships? do u want to support the child financially? chances are you won't want to.




  1. "Do the courtship"...what are we...birds?

    I have a higher paying job than my spouse and pay more of the bills.

    What's your point?

  2. Feminists fight for "certain equality." They want good jobs, equal pay, lots of rights.. it's less about wanting equal responsibility.  

  3. I want to be treated with respect and as a human being.

    I do not want to be treated the same as a man.

  4. Women's personalities have nothing to do with political equality. I'd never ask a man out or pay on a date, because I like to be traditional and prefer men who can protect me and take charge in the relationship. That's just my nature. Gender equality is the belief that neither women nor men are inferior, it doesn't mean we're the same.

    As for supporting a child... it depends on the circumstances. I plan to have a traditional marriage, so my husband would be the financial provider whilst I take care of the home and children. But I'm capable of supporting a child on my own if I needed to. Parenting is a team; the roles of the mother and father should complement each other. Again, this doesn't mean that both people aren't of equal worth.  

  5. One if the biggest hypocrisies in feminism is that it seems completely ABSENT in the dating world.

    Feminism and "equality" is only enforced in areas of life where women have a "disadvantage".

    Dating is not one of those areas. Therefore, feminism is NOT enforced there.  


    Its got nothing to do with getting the upper hand in a relationship. It's about finding a healthy balance of power (aka, neither men nor women is in a position of power over the other financially, emotionally or otherwise).

    I hope you realise that "courtship" is something that both male and female do in relationships, otherwise it would never end up being a relationship.

    I don't know what world you're living in but i've never met a family that didn't have financial contribution by both the mother and the father. If you're American then what i suggest to you is that you get your head around the idea that BOTH women and men can work and have a family at the same time, a lot of people do this. The "breadwinner" and "home maker" dynamics are pretty anachronistic these days and a little bit unnecessary.

    If you're trying to say that men have it tough and you would swap your financial competence and unequal courtship power (because women are so powerless to your flirting might with your money and door opening skills) with the thousands of years of slavery and oppression that women have had to endure along with the descrimination and sexism that we still have to suffer at the hands of your self righteous powertrip then fine, chances are there wont be a woman on this planet that wouldnt take you up on it.

  7. its guys like this that make america a difficult place to survive  despite ALLLLLLLLL the laws in place.

    I rather have less laws and more civilized men.

  8. Yes, women would take a more active role in relationships under the terms of gender equality. Your point being?

  9. "Chances are" = vast, unfounded generalization. I won't generalize, and neither should you.

    I'm happy to split the "courtship" 50/50, but honestly, it's not the 1950's anymore and the idea of "courting" before marriage is extremely outdated. I'm more than happy to pursue a guy just as much as he pursues me. That makes for a healthy balanced relationship.

    I would be happy to support my child financially. I'm not sure what you mean by this - yes, I'd be happy to work to support my family. I have more education than my boyfriend and thus would probably better support us. If we divorced and the court awards him custody I would be happy to pay child support so that my kid could have the best, no matter what parent he was with.  

  10. 'Do the courtship?' Is this the 18th century? I've asked plenty of guys out.

    As for supporting the child financially > if the father has custody then the mother should pay child support, yes. And if the father is a SAHD then yes, the mother should support them both.

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