
When working at a job for 3 months and

by  |  earlier

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you are supposed to get the 3month increase, do you konw if they are suppose to give you the rest of the money that they didn't give you, or it will just be left alone. basically what I'm saying since I never got the increase and it been past the 3 month, can I look foward to it all on one check.

How come I havent recieve it yet.




  1. Ask!

    So many people are afraid of bringing up money at work, but you have every right to ask about it. You don't have to storm in demanding a check, but just take your supervisor/boss aside and say something like "I know that when I started you mentioned a pay increase after 3 months, and I was just wondering about some of the details." They should have no problem at all going over when and how you'll get the money.  

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