
When working on my L's, is it better to do laps around a block or on main roads to other places?

by Guest31997  |  earlier

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When working on my L's, is it better to do laps around a block or on main roads to other places?




  1. It's best off to do laps around blocks or streets that don't have too much traffic or even better no traffic at all, this will help you adapt to braking, turning, acceleration without the stress of other cars having a go at you.  This is also safer so you don't get into accidents if you're fairly new which might scare you away from driving FOREVER.  But once you feel confident with your driving or the person who is supervising you feels so, you could always up it a notch.

  2. Start in an empty parking area or other similar area. Then move on to a quiet couple of streets over and over again. Gradually move to busier until you can venture onto the highway, busy carparks etc.

  3. some one was telling a story about their first lesson, they were  made to drive from Sydney to Melbourne[900 odd kms] they said by the time they arrived in Melbourne they were a confident driver. car parks late at night are great , or your local back streets .important to build familiarity and confidence . stay safe

  4. Laps around the block, then work your way up starting at non busy streets and local roads you are familiar with, make sure your L plates are easy to see and don't necessarily drive when all the schools are coming out, crazy times like that.  Make sure you know all your give way rules and indicate and you can't get into too much trouble, most road users will be understanding if you make little mistakes, remember NO HOONING!

  5. i was thinking about this today. im now on my green p's. but i found myself beeping at an L plater today. i didnt realise it was wen i did though. i did it because they stoped at an intersection, where they had the right of way.. and no other cars were anywhere in sight. and then later as we were driving they were doing about 50 in a 70 zone. so this made me think about it. i think learners should stick to estates and small streets untill they are confident enough to drive on the more major roads and do the speed limit. like im not implying to go over their limit of 80, but if the limit is 70, they should do the 70, not 20ks unders.

    but by all means, hit the freeways. there are generally more than 1 lane, so there is no problem there.

  6. My very first driving lesson I went to a new residential estate where they hadn't started building yet, I don't think I even touched the accelerator. I then had a few lessons with an instructor.

    You need to gain experience in all conditions, but I wouldnt start on the highway.

    I'm guessing this means your got your L's.. Congrats!

  7. I think at first you need to get to know the car, and your blind spots, so doing laps around the block is fine. But once you have a bit of understanding of driving and a bit of confidence you need to throw yourself straight into the main roads or your never going to learn. Just remember to stay calm. Maybe take two professional lessons to help with your skills first.

  8. I did my first hour or two in an industrial area on the weekend so it was nearly deserted. A new estate (not occupied) is also a good idea someone already said.

    Remove distractions like the radio or your siblings and when you start driving in heavier traffic make it a trip you take almost daily so you know it like the back of your hand.

    Feel comfortable behind the wheel before you tackle heavy conditions because some people (myself included) do not tolerate doing half the speed limit or coming to a complete stop because an L-plater is overwhelmed.

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