
When would I have to change the V Belt on my Audi?

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At what mileage? My car is a 1998 Audi A4, 1.8 liter Turbo.

What happens if I don't change it when I am supposed to? Will it end up causing more damage (& end up costing more to fix) than if had I followed the maintenance schedule?

Thank you.




  1. Sunset , change it at the recommended interval. It may last you alot longer. but ponder this. If it breaks you will be stranded.  What if it breaks on the way to work? or at 1:00 AM in the middle of nowhere? It is a cheap preventive maintainence..Tow trucks are expensive. .for your own safety please change it.

  2. In theory a Vbelt should never have to be changed.  But over time the alignment of the pulleys wonder and the belts fail.  Most every time a belt has failed there is a reason why it did and a new belt will break very soon.  

    A T belt A TIMING belt should be changed about every 60 to 90K.  If it slips or breaks engine damage might occur.  I think that engine is known as an interference engine where the valves and pistons collide when a belt slips or snaps.  And that ain't good..  

  3. It sure can, if it breaks and you continue to drive it, You could cause considerable engine damage.


  4. A broken v-belt might lead to overheating, hard steering or loss of battery power. It will not cause immediate internal engine damage like a broken timing belt. Replace it if it looks cracked or worn, otherwise leave it on.

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