
When would be a good time in the summer for a group of single guys to go to Cabo San Lucas?

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I just got back form Cabo last month ( Aug 17 - 24). I had an incredible time and am definitely going back next year. This time I will be bringing more single friends. I know what it is like there in late Aug. But what about mid - late june, July, or early Aug. When would be the best time for us to go? Thanks!




  1. I agree, spring break would be the best time if you can afford the airfare at that time of the year.  The water temp is really the best in the fall, say october.  We went one year for Easter in April and although the weather was supurb, the water temps were too cold to snorkel.....

  2. Best time to go would be around Spring Break, but if you are limited to the summer I would say any time is a good time, with more stuff on the weekends.  By cruise you are limited by the time that the ship will be there and don't get to experience the night life which is even more fun.

  3. Seriously?  Any time is a good time down here.  That last experience you had happens all the time!!  There is no such thing as a slow season.  There are certain events that happen each year that bring more people into the area, such as Sammy Hagar's birthday, the Bisbee marlin fishing, of course Spring Break, and certain festivals, carnivals and mexican holidays that make it even more fun, but truthfully Cabo is a party town and it rocks all the time.    Anytime of year you book you will not be disappointed.

  4. I'm in Atlanta - Not extreme cold but enough for me... Break up the doldrums of winter without a doubt! I do Mexico in DEC thru Feb. Leave when its cold and it just makes the trip that much more enjoyable. Coming back is hard.Jun , July and Aug. are the rainy months and of all the months you gave these are the least desirable in my mind. But that's just me.

    Imagine taxiing around the airport on your flight out and looking at the COLD thru the window and YOU CAN"T WAIT TO HIT THE BEACH !!!!!

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