
When would be the best time?

by Guest59728  |  earlier

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So my last AF was July 27 and I usually have a 28-29 day cycle. When would you say the best days would be to have s*x? We did on the 10th and 11th and were planning to do it again tonight. Do you think we have a chance of becoming pregnant? Or is it too late and we have missed the fertile time?




  1. now...... if its too early then get back to it, if too late then too bad wait a bit.

  2. I believe the best days are the 3 before you start, and the 3 following your last day. They also sell kits now at drug stores called 'ovulation kits" that help you determine your best time to get pregnant. Quick Q; why do you want to get pregnant just before youget married? Take some time, enjoy the honeymoon phase! lol I got pregnant first night of my honeymoon (according to my calculations and symptoms) and the whole honeymoon I was sick, irritable, just plain miserable! lol Anyways, best of luck whatever you decide, just know it's probably not gonna be so fun even on your wedding day if you're throwing up and looking a wreck! lol Good luck, and congratulations!

  3. I hear getting pregnant would be the best time just you are almost finished ovulating, before they bleeding process. That's what I've heard.

    Good luck! I wish you and your husband all the best.

  4. My last AF was the 24th july and i too have a 28/29 day cycle, i worked out that my best days to conceive were the 4th, 6th and 8th august which was the week i ovulated, it is reccommended that you should only try every other day as the sperm count can become too low, your most fertile days would have been between the 7th, 9th and 11th so you chose the right days, you will just have to wait now which i no is hard as h**l, AF is now due next thursday so fingers crossed for us both, good luck and keep us posted!

  5. Depends when you ovulate- usually you ovulate 14 days before your period.  At the moment you are at CD 18- so if you have a 28 day cycle you will probably (not always) OV on CD 14.. Maybe you missed it- good luck and have you tried OPK.s- they are brilliant they let you know when you are about to OV- i get mine off ebay. Good luck and baby dust to us .'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'

  6. I was trying to conceive for 3 years  i thought it was the 10th and 11th day at that time .But nothing happened  found out i was ovulating earlier than that about the 7th and 8th day and yes got caught straight away. GOOD LUCK x*x

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