
When would be the ideal time to take a birthing and breastfeeding class i I'm currently 16wks.?

by Guest33034  |  earlier

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if I'm currently 16 wks. (sorry for the mess up:))




  1. I'm not pregnant, but I remember my friend started taking those classes when she was about 32 weeks and up. Good luck and congratulations!

  2. Look into it now.

    I was about 5 months pregnant when I looked into starting a prenatal class.  The soonest I could get in was when I was 8 months pregnant.  The last day of classes was a week before my due date.

    I would start it anytime.  They really didn't help me get prepared for labour, but it gave me a sense of comfort knowing that what was going on was normal.  I highly recommend them to anyone, especially if they have a partner that needs a little information about babies and the birthing process!!

  3. when you are 7 months, sometimes 6

  4. Absolutely NOW.

    In days gone all women would have had a hand at attending births of sisters, unties, nieces etc and be learned of what was to happen. If you haven't had exposure to much live birth, the stories friends might tell offer little or no true account of what you may go through. Do your own research. 9 month is not enough! i have 1 year old and am constantly looking at birth resources (i do not intend on having another one till ths one is 3!) :-)

    the classes (i booked too late as well and didn't get in) i hear are more about what the general flow will be in a hospital setting. (their time expectation, and remedies for it like drugs to speed things up or breaking your waters) Not what your body may do (which can be a long way either side of their protocols at any time).

    OK a bit off topic, but 1. read, watch births, read, listen to people a little less than the other research(youtube has many clips with births), most often you will hear the horror stories.

    2. hire a doula/birth support person, she will help you achieve your birth goal.

    3. practice ways to move, and positions, things like heat packs or pressure or tens machine on the back.

    4.  trust in yourself

    5. WRITE a birth plan! i thought, nah, i know what  want, in the middle of a contraction the doc strolls in for an internal and your hubby stands back from the authority... get my drift...? not comfy! many plan templates on line.

    6. look after yourself.

    there may be an independent midwife who can help with BF (as well as hospital ones) after bub is born. best bet - go into hospital before bub arrives and talk to a confidently BF Mum who's just started - watch her in action. people (like me, BFfor 18months) make feeding look easy, but let me tell you after this long, i have nipples of rubber, and probably have a vaige memory of the first few weeks (except the pain, but it is overcome!)  

       Good Pregnancy and birthing!

    It is but a moment in time, a moment to be ready for, to savour, embrace, and remember fondly.  

  5. I'm taking mine at the end of my 7th month and through till the middle of my 8th month. Congratulations!

  6. My doctor recommended that we start taking them at 7 months

  7. My doctors advised around seven months.

  8. My hospital recommended we take our birthing class in the 7th or 8th month. Breastfeeding class could be taken in the 6th, 7th or 8th month.

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