
When would it be beneficial for me to take my son to developmental classes?

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he just turned 5 months old. I do lots of activites with him here at home, but i would love for us to join a playgroup of some sort. i'm not quite sure what would best suit his age group, maybe a music class? gymboree? he has tons of energy and i'd like to expose him to as many educational opportunites as possible. any suggestions?? thanks so much.




  1. I don't think you have to sign up for a class per se, but finding a group of other moms to meet up with once a week is great for you!  Just taking him along with you when you shop, go out to eat, etc. is all he needs.  Playing music at home, singing, tickling him... all those are what I'm sure you are doing.  Any classes you might sign up for will benefit you more than him.  But it's great to get out of the house, so try a music class or baby massage class or something like that.  I've seen yoga classes/exericse classes for moms that incorporate the baby- that might be fun, but hard to find.  Good luck.

  2. most places offer classes based on age and then do activities based on there age just look around. I think they are great for first time moms because you can swap advice and stories  

  3. yes yes yes! ruby and i just registered for a kindermusik class. they're awesome. if you go to, you can search for a class where you live. he's a little young to socialize, but if you can find a baby music class, that's soooo good for him and his little brain. when he is a toddler, playgroups become more important.

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