I know it is a mad question, but I am a D&D player and the DM's mind is very kinky!Listen to my story:I am a Changeling Rogue.I belong to a secret organization bound to overthrow the king.As a mission they have sent me to a fort,named Quoril,where apprentice fighters are trained.There,I must find a woman named Victoria, who practices magic, although magic is 90% forbidden and only me and my fellow-spies know about Victoria's secret.So,there,I must also find a guy who will give me details about my mission and the only clue that they have gave me is that he shouts a lot and have also give me a detail:"A dog who barks, doesn't ever bite".Because,my mission is top secret,they have asked me to change my appearance into whoever's I like, as I am a Changeling, They have given me some special tools too!They have attached an elixir in one of my teeth which when I drink, I'll forget my past 3 hours! I don't know what's the point of it,although it is clear it will be useful. Thanks for answering!