
When would stock exchange stop the descent ?

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When would stock exchange stop the descent ?




  1. In Economics, its demand and supply situations, this means if there are plenty of supply and the buyers were few; the prices goes down adversely, if the supply is low and the demand is high, prices will naturally goes up.

    Stock Market prices of shares are driven up by capital infusion, If the shares holder are not selling their shares and holding on to it while buying still continue it will results to thinning of shares traded in the trading pit, this will put the prices of shares to go up, this is influenced by the economic view of the stock shares company represented by it.

    In the other hand prices in stock market shares goes down when the economic view of the company it represent is weak or the country where the Stock market shares are hosted, prices in stock shares are normally driven by this fundamental factors, on the technical side if the prices is overbought which means prices has risen too fast that the former buyer turns into sellers.

    Plunging prices is normally corrected by capital infusion to prevent it from falling or when the prices hit at oversold level, meaning the prices has gone down fast and the former sellers now turns into buyers. This happens when the prices reaches near the IPO (Initial Public Offering Price) which is normally 50% lower than its value to give room for the market shares to rise.

  2. I guess only god knows.

  3. When the floor traders come back from Disneyland. The trend will turn when investors buy back into the market rather than pull out. There's no bottom yet though.

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