
When would you act like a child?

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if front of who?

what would you do?




  1. I always act like a child ...I'm 12...   but with my best friend Bree.  we always act stupid. . .  . . . . . .. . . . .

  2. with my friends.

    we just act like children for fun =)

  3. To be honest I don't really act like a child that much because I am a teenager at the age of 17 soon to become an adult in one year. I try not to take life too seriously because I am not truly happy when I can't laugh or joke around with others. Many people have told me to lighten up because I have acted like a "d**k" when somebody throws a french fry at me or teases me. I want to act goofy to feel better about myself but I am too self-conscious to take anything to the extremes. Many people may say that they never want to grow up because they can act like a child and feel younger than they actually are.

  4. Always, I don't want to grow up.

  5. When I go to Disneyland with my 2 year old for the first time.

  6. when im on the rag

    infront of anyone i just act like a freakin baby

    or when im with children, i mean its good and healthy to be a child sometimes to play and forget what others think of you just be free play on the swingset, scream, giggle, it really is good medicine.

    this was a very interesting question!

  7. The only time that i would act like a child is if i go on a date and i dont like the guy so i act like a child so he will dump me

  8. When I'm feeling childish ^_^

    In front of my husband not sure how but childlike

  9. I don't know but when I grow up.....


    infront of my boyfriend hehehee

  11. in front kids

  12. never. I am no longer a child and i think it is ridiculous to act like one. That doesn't mean you cant joke around and have fun, but acting like a little kid is a annoying

  13. I try to act child like when I'm with mine. It's fun to not be an adult all the time

  14. When I play with my kids

  15. LOL I always act like a child in front of my friends. They think it is hilarious--that is why I am the class clown! :-P

    I usually act like I am crying, like because me and my friends like hit eachother because we are mean :-) and LOLL we are just really good friends, so we don't get mad.

  16. I act like a child, everytime I lose one of my beloved cats.  I am consumed by pain and grief and I have a tantrum that involves me saying, "I just want my cat back."

  17. with my older sister, i'm 17 shes 22,

    she always rats me out on my mom

  18. Anytime i want. i say totally random childish things in front of everybody. (in a humorous fashion not just being annoying) i never want to lose the kid in me!

  19. I would act like a child to my older brother and sisters when i want some really bad and i dont get it so i pretend to be like a child and cry until i get what i want.

  20. If i wanted to get my way with someone...

    I act cute, shy, or else I cry and scream.

    Throwing a temper tantrum may work sometimes.

  21. arround my friends....making fun of some1

  22. The only time I would act like a child would be if I were playing on the floor with a VERY young child/baby.  Even then I would not use baby talk!  Once your an adult, or once you want to to be treated like an adult you should behave like one.

  23. when I have been awake way too long.

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