
When writing a quote from a book (not speech) do I use "..." or '...'? Why?

by Guest60698  |  earlier

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When writing a quote from a book (not speech) do I use "..." or '...'? Why?




  1. I always use '...', not totally sure why - only its simpler and I would normally use "..." for speech.

  2. When you use a quote, you use "..."

    ex) "I don't remember your name," she commented apathetically.

    However, when that quotation contains a quote you use '...'

    ex) "They simply answered 'I don't recall,' then turned to go."

    If you need to use '..' at the end of a sentence, just do '...'"

    ex) "He described it as simply, 'the nightmare of a madman.'"

  3. I use '...' to indicate a quote within a quote.

  4. Normally, and in accordance with the APA formatting guide my university gives us to use, the "   " are for direct quotations from another source that you are going to reference in your paper.  This would include any quotes from books, other texts, speeches or any other source that someone else spoke or wrote.

    You use the '   ' quotes when you are making a personal observation or quote such as referring to people in the military as being part of a 'military family'.  This shows that it is your comment or a special saying that is not attributed to someone else.  That it's a common saying in use that needs to be set apart from the rest of the text for emphasis.

    Hope this helps.

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