
When you're grindin/freak dancin...?

by Guest65851  |  earlier

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im a really good dancer and love grindin. but when you're freak dancin with a girl, and she goes low, do you go down with her? i've seen it both ways before. but which one are you supposed to do?




  1. Dang buddy you sound just like me!  I used to wonder the same thing.  Actually I started watching other dancers and what you do is you DON'T go down with her.  What you do is just stand there and assume a wide stance.  While she is dippin' low you can move your hips back and forth just a lil bit like you are humping her and you can position your hands on her hips, or put one on her shoulder.  Basically just be creative.

    Now if you are asking if you go "down" with a girl who is not touching the floor but is just grinding a little lower, than yes, you do lower down with her.  But if she is touching the floor like bending over, you stay up.

  2. yeah look I am a girl and I hate it when my guy friend don't go down with me so I think that you should go down with the girl trust me it willbe much better

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