
When you're in a slump or just playing below your norm?

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Do you think it's more often than not a mental problem or a stroke mechanics problem? I know that one can definitely contribute to the other. I find that if any part of my mental game is off, it almost doesn't matter if my mechanics are flawless. I'll just miss or get out of position, but look good doing it. One thing I learned early on is to stay down on the shot and freeze for at least a moment to evalute how I did. When I mess up, I can almost always tell why instantly. For me, it's almost always a mental problem. 9/10 times I just never really liked the shot and made the rookie mistake of shooting anyway. Any thoughts? M.D.-BCA Instructor/Referee.




  1. Never take a shot you don't like. Regroup. It's why it's a game of strategy as well as patience. Focus on the shot first not the review.

  2. It's definitely at least 85% mental for me, maybe 14% lack of knowledge, and 1% stroke.  I have the bad habit of noticing how many balls I've run, and I'll think to myself, "Wow, I just have to make the seven and then the eight and nine are easy and I'll have a break and run..." But I'll hit the six wrong and get out of line and miss the seven...Happens kind of often.  Also, if I have a tough shot, I'll think about how good it would look if I made it, and that makes me miss...Once every couple of weeks I might lean into a shot, and once a month I might stand up (my stroke is generally not my problem :) ).  I guess the lack of knowledge can't logically be attributed to a slump, but it's definitely there sometimes when I hit a shot wrong...And yeah, I'll miss when I don't have confidence I'm shooting the right shot.


  3. Skill is skill its mental i saw the other half miss when someone droped an ashtray ..And run out with a super loud juke box his fav complaint ,If he dont see a shot he just shoots safe and waits ,Anyway its a mind gamefor the most part

                                                TKS Moon -he said Hi

  4. Really think that it is a mental problem more then mechanics....there is only one way to pedal the when you fall of it, get back on and pedal like you always did......I work in sales, and the mental part is really hard have to take each day like a 2 minute drill to run hard and look hard for a way to get to the sale....something that I always do is go to "learn to lead" web site and read something really does help.....then  I go into my the same thing in pool, some times I try to get mentally ready for a tournament by watching some training tapes...especially the "safety" tapes...just to get in the right frame of tournaments, I do not like to play anyone...just set up some of the shots that come up most of the time....when I think, I have "warmed' up I quit early, not getting tired before it even starts.....may have rambled a little of the subject......most of the time the biggest problem is that I am not rested too hard 70 hours a week at work and being a "baby boomer" my 9 and 7 year old don't keep me young...but really hard to concentrate some the game, really wish I had the time to get out and play more!

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