
When you're just not in the mood to cook?

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What's your stand-by? I cook literally every day at least two meals a day. I also clean up after. Sometimes, I'm just not in the mood. On those nights, it's cold cereal and rice milk for the kids or Sunbutter ( our version of P.B.) and jelly.




  1. I feel the exact same way...sometimes cooking vegan gets tough and tiring, especially when I'm already exhausted from running around all day.

    But on those days I love opening a can of tomato soup and having it with a couple slices of whole wheat bread. Simple, quick and delicious!

    Sometimes it's fun to have breakfast for dinner, too. Maybe some vegan waffles or like you suggested, cereal and soy milk.

    Or you can always get a package of veggie dogs and pop 'em in the microwave for a quick (and filling) dinner.

    Well good luck, hope I helped :)

  2. eating out

  3. I don't have anyone but myself to feed, but I'd say buying sandwich ingredients is always good and cheaper than at the deli, and when I do it, I have a specific sandwich in mind--if I don't it ends up taking me much longer to pick everything, as I'm a daydreamer! Usually sandwiches don't take very long to make--and to vary the style, get lawash bread too.

  4. My standby's for when I don't feel like cooking are, veggie stir fry(takes about 10 min to cut up some vegetables and tofu and throw them in a wok with soy sauce.

    Some of my other quick meals(which take less than 10 min to prepare/cook) are:

    >English muffin pizzas with steamed vegetables


    >portobello mushroom burgers

    >veggie wraps(romaine lettuce, hummus, shredded carrots, tomatoes, and alfalfa sprouts).

    >Canned Progresso soup with added vegetables(they have some great vegetarian soups, which are labled as such).

  5. My top two would be cereal and peanut butter and something (banana, apple or jam,) too!  I think those are the best stand by meals for anyone regardless of what they eat.

    I also like products by Amy's from the frozen section (black bean vegetable enchilada, rice crust spinach pizza, roasted veg pizza, and some of the burritos are super good).

    I also sometimes just have a can of soup and toast....that's the best on cold, tired, sore days.

  6. Veggie hot dogs and then fruit (that's what I did today).-

  7. I often just have a home-made fresh vegetable juice.

    I had 750mls of beetroot, spinach, carrot & ginger juice last night. It filled me up, plus it was very healthy.

    I eat a lot of salads, they are quick no-fuss meals. As are toasted sandwiches, bubble & squeak, baked beans on toast and welsh rarebit..


  8. pre made-bagged salads :D

    eat out-- subway's veggie delight on itallian bread is vegan

    on the days you DO feel like cooking, make a few extra meals and freeze them. warm those up on lazy days

  9. When I am just not in th mood to cook (and assuming I don't have to cook for someone else), my stand-by is a double scotch or two or three or four. Then I usually get the munchies and feel like cooking again.

  10. i was gonna say pb&j,

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