
When you're off tomorrow WITH PAY will you remember to thank a Union member ?

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Dee B...i'm a salaried pro too (ait traffic control)...i'm down here on the gulf...where do you fish ?




  1. I'm a salaried member of management, sorry.

    Next time I have to pay $40,000 for a $15,000 car, I will thank the unions though. Geez, thanks.

  2. Yeah, right, no I won't!

  3. s***w you...not everyone gets paid when they area off tomorrow.  And some of us have real jobs and have to work tomorrow!

  4. Since I do not belong to any union and never have - No, I will NOT thank a union member for the benefits I receive from MY employer.  Expecting to get paid for NOT working sounds like communist welfare to me.

    NEVER a union member and proud of it!

  5. No. I am a college-educated professional who is also proud; proud to be someone who believes that hard work is the key to getting ahead, that I am strong enough to do so on my own talents, and that I do not have to rely on corrupt unions.

    I may go into the office for a few hours if the fish aren't biting, the beach is too crowded, it's raining, or I can't get a tee time, but since I am a salaried professional who doesn't punch a clock, it will be on my own time.

    Fish in and around Mobile Bay mostly, for I am on the Gulf Coast as well. At least we can agree it's a great place to live!

  6. I'll be sure to thank A Union for making my hamburger taste better, wait a second, maybe i meant onion. shoot who knows.

  7. When PATCO needed you guys it was "sayonara, PATCO"...the h**l with the unions.

  8. i will now that you have educated me.  Thank you.  Also remember our soldiers in the desert that work hard every day.

  9. You betcha!

    But you are still wrong about the Mexican truck drivers. Ask any US truck driver how long Mexicans have been driving around the US. Go ahead! I stand by what I said.

  10. Good for you...Maybe the older Union members, not these!  Look at how they duped American Workers and Now are all for illegal immigration and outsourcing American jobs!

  11. I'm retired now. But my father helped start a union (Seafarers' International Union). So, I do have great respect for the rank and file. My problem is with a certain practice I've noticed in the past twenty years or so where the business agent of the local is shopping for his clothes and cars at the same places as management. I think the last thing the rank and file needs is some guy in a thousand dollar suit holding a picket sign and pretended solidarity with the strikers. Maybe that's why union membership is down.

  12. Unions are a bunch of scam organizations set up to pay people too much for too little work. Oh but they whine and cry when they see their jobs going overseas where the same money paid to one union worker here will get the output of ten workers there. Poor babies, it's not your fault right?

    Not to mention that they are like the Mafia who for some reason find kinship and brotherhood with unions - funny why the Mafia likes unions. Not to mention that they're belly crawling slaves to the Democrats

  13. Of course, and all the other workers responsible for the freedom we have and the reason to commemorate the labor of the USA.

  14. From your reference to NATCA, my understanding is that you are an employee of the Federal Aviation Administration so when you're off work tomorrow with pay, will you remember to thank the taxpayers who pay the taxes that pay for your wages and benefits?

  15. Actually, no.  

    I'm off tomorrow, without pay, because the businesses and government offices that I get paid to deal with are all closed.

    Thanks, Unions, for a day that reduces domestic productivity and costs everyone money.

  16. as if...why should i thank a union member for paying thousands of dollars extra for nothing in the car i buy, or the food i eat.  since when do unions protect me.  for what i earn and the bonuses i get the only one i have to thank is me, my god and my boss.  unions have little to do with it and i want those thugs as far away from my life as i can get.  ive seen them close plants here locally through greed and thoughtlessness and know that they care little about the survival of a business if they cant get their fee up front.

  17. I'm self employed.

    When I don't work, I don't make any money.

    Thanks Unions....for nothing.

  18. No I wont. I don't have tomorrow off.

  19. i dont get payed cause i dont have a job=P

  20. Unions are the down fall of this great nation.  They are what is driving manufacturers out of the U.S. with their outrageous demands.

  21. I don't have a union job, don't want one, but you go ahead and have a party thanking your Union.

    Just remember tomorrow if you are sick, or in an accident, someone robs your house, it catches fire, etc - and you need  a Policeman, Fireman, Ambulance, etc, that you need to really thank those people, because if they were UNION you wouldn't receive any help.

    Remember it is about honoring the nation's "working people" and many will be "working" tomorrow.

  22. ♥ ♥Be Happi♥ ♥ - those men and women ARE represented by a Union!

    I thank the unions EVERYDAY because I have a roof over my head,  food on the table, and my husband comes home alive. When I was growing up, we thanked the union for our food, shelter, and our dad coming home alive. We can afford to go to a doctor because of the Union Medical Insurance instead of waiting till it's an emergency room visit. When we're old and gray, we won't be on welfare because of my husband's Union pension.

    I am thankful for the sacrifices of our soldiers. I also realize that more construction workers die every year than soldiers, firefighters, and police officers combined!

    I know how many things people daily take for granted that are provided by the work my husband does. Fuel (refineries), paper products (paper mills), electricity (power generation plants), and cleaner air (they're the ones that put on the air scrubbers) are things that Boilermakers build or keep running. Their Craft Union is what enforces Labor & OSHA laws that reduce the risks to live, limb, and health. Don't kid yourself, companies can and will bend/break the laws if someone doesn't daily force them to comply.

  23. h**l yeah!

    Proud member of 'International Union of Operating Engineers'

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